это новый подход к звуковому монтажу. Эта программа включает полный набор мгновенно применяемых инструментов для мастеринга, реставрации и восстановления. Основанное на безупречной репутации OS X, программное обеспечение Sound Forge™Pro Mac обеспечивает современную программную среду, идеальную для записи, монтажа, обработки и рендеринга основных звуковых файлов студийного качества. Высочайшая скорость работы и удобный интерфейс в стиле Mac. На специализированных панелях просмотра отображаются только те функции, которые нужны для удобной работы, а традиционные инструменты, такие как монтаж на базе событий и существенно обновленный плагин Chainer, обеспечивают привычную рабочую cреду для пользователей Sound Forge.
Характеристики Sony Sound Forge Pro Mac
Изменения в версии 1.0.26:
Fixed a bug that prevented OS X 10.9 from displaying VST plug-ins.
Fixed a bug that caused Simple Synthesis to report its progress incorrectly.
Изменения в версии 1.0.23:
Added support for customizing keyboard shortcuts on the Keyboard Shortcuts page of the Preferences dialog.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when removing some plug-ins from the plug-in chain while the plug-in UI was visible.
Fixed a bug that prevented markers and regions from being displayed after automatically reopening CAF, AIFF, or AIFC files on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when attempting to save some CAF files.
Fixed a bug that could cause region lengths to be incorrect when saving to some formats.
Fixed a bug that prevented some settings from being saved with Channel Converter, iZotope MBIT+ Dither, and iZotope SRC plug-in presets.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash after clicking the Process button in the Channel Converter plug-in when the Output Channels value was empty.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash after clicking the Process button in the élastique Timestretch plug-in when the Tempo or Ratio values were empty.
Fixed a bug that prevented AU versions of A.O.M. plug-ins from loading.
Fixed a bug that could cause extra data to be saved at the end of the file when saving to compressed wave format.
Fixed a bug that could cause edits to be discarded when saving some MP3 files.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the menu bar from being displayed in full-screen mode on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Record Tool and Audio Preferences from displaying properly when Blackmagic Design drivers are installed.
Fixed a bug that could cause the status selection bar to incorrectly display zeroes after opening multiple files.
Resolved an issue that could cause a "
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