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Boom Library - Ocean Shores STEREO & SURROUND (WAV)

  • Издатель: Boom Library
  • Формат: WAV
  • Качество: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo
  • Размер: 13.45 GB


Успокаивающий, расслабляющий, мелодичный и ритмичный. Океан - это барабан, отбивающий ритмы глобальных и местных погодных изменений. Ни одно другое место не сравнится с морем. Гордон Хэмптон - Sound Tracker® посетил и запечатлел многие из этих волшебных мест.

Эта пространственная коллекция из 101 тщательно обработанных звуков береговой линии позволяет вам сбалансировать только необходимое количество присутствия волн с соответствующей дикой природой, чтобы соответствовать почти любому настроению. Днем или ночью, в дюнах или в лесу, в ветреную погоду или в ветреную погоду, вы сможете создавать свои самые захватывающие звуковые ландшафты.

Например, далекие океанские волны и ясный крик чаек или вдохновляющие певчие птицы создают полный частотный спектр и глубину резкости. Нужно что-то более защищенное? Одна из множества комбинаций крикета в сочетании с обдуваемой ветром дюнной травой создаст акустическую безопасную гавань для вашей аудитории, чтобы насладиться множеством приятных воспоминаний об отпуске.

Окружающая среда - это максимально приближенный к естественному и оригинальному яркому звуку природы. Получив возможность раскрыть свой истинный акустический потенциал, эти потрясающие записи объемного звука 5.0, несомненно, не позволят вам в будущем соглашаться на меньшее.

В мире есть 372 000 миль (620 000 километров) берегов океана: береговые линии с высокой энергией, подверженные волнам, или береговые линии с низким уровнем энергии в районах, защищенных от больших волн и, соответственно, подверженных только гораздо меньшим волнам, создаваемым местными ветрами. Оба подвержены приливным воздействиям, как внутри, так и снаружи, через прибрежную зону и ее шведский стол из растений и диких животных, не говоря уже о деятельности человека.


✔️ Ocean Shores STEREO
• QP16 1947 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V1.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with American Robin, gulls, Canada Goose in background with faint Spotted Towhee and Rufous Hummingbird. Loop.
• QP16 1948 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V2.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with American Robin, gulls, American Crow, Canada Goose. Background has faint Chestnut-back Chickadee and Rufous Hummingbird. Loop.
• QP16 1949 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V3.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with gulls, Rufous Hummingbird and Song Sparrow. Loop.
• QP16 1950 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V4.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow and featured American Robin with Song Sparrow, gulls, American Crow and Common Raven in background. Charming and peaceful. Loop.
• QP16 1951 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves rippling close.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed water ripples and faint birds including Common Yellowthroat and Red-winged Blackbird. Intimate. Loop.
• QP16 1952 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves bubbles intimate.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave bubbles and active clear shore birds including American Robin, American Crow calls and bill rattles, gulls, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Rufous Hummingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow. Detailed and intimate spacious experience. Loop.
• QP16 1953 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves gurgling close.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave gurgles on rocks and active birds include prominent American Robin with American Crow, gulls. Far background Orange-crowned Warbler and White-crowned Sparrow. Loop.
• QP16 1954 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves gurgling wind pass.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave gurgles on rocks and active birds include prominent American Crow. Wind developing in background. Also present are American Robin, Song Sparrow, Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1955 Ocean Shores LE day birds wave sweeps close.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave sweeps across beach and birds in background include American Robin and Song Sparrow. Sensuous. Loop.
• QP16 1956 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves choppy gulls.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with light choppy waves and gull cries. Birds in background include Orange-crowned Warbler and Song Sparrow. Loop.
• QP16 1957 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves distant.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with distant roar of waves. Forest birds in background include American Robin, Common Yellowthroat, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow. Far background with Varied Thrush, Pacific Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Pacific Chorus Frog. Occasional fish splash. Loop.
• QP16 1958 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves relaxing.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Pacific Wren and American Robin, American Crow, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Steller’s Jay, and Varied Thrush in background. Waves distinct and moderately distant. Relaxing. Loop.
• QP16 1959 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves gulls.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow with frequent distant gulls. Background includes Varied Thrush, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pacific Wren, Great Blue Heron, American Crow. Distant waves small and choppy. Loop.
• QP16 1960 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves wind.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves in background. Other birds present in background are Wilson’s Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Pacific Wren. Blustery feel. Loop.
• QP16 1961 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves surging gulls V1.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves surging in background. Other birds present in background are gulls, Pacific Wren, Golden- crowned Kinglet. Loop.
• QP16 1962 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves surging gulls V2.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves surging in background. Other birds present in background are Song Sparrow, Pacific Wren, Mallard Ducks, gulls, American Crow, Varied Thrush, American Robin. Birds more active than previous version. Loop.
• QP16 1963 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves sweeping.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves sweeping in background. Other birds present in background are American Crow, American Robin, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
• QP16 1964 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V1.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1965 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V2.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1966 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V3.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1967 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V4.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and gulls. Background with distant Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1968 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V5.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and American Robin chirps and occasional gulls. Rumbling sounds concurrent with wave action is caused by logs rubbing together, sometimes thudding. Loop.

• QP16 1969 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping logs.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves against driftwood logs. Birds include prominent American Crow. Background birds include American Robin, Steller’s Jay, Pacific Wren, Townsend’s Warbler, Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1970 Ocean Shores ME day waves smooth detailed V1.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves. Gulls present towards end. Loop.
• QP16 1971 Ocean Shores ME day waves smooth detailed V2.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves, closer than previous version. American Crow background. Loop.
• QP16 1972 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves smooth detailed gulls V1.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves. Gulls active in background with American Crow, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1973 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves smooth detailed gulls V2.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with birds and sweeping waves. Birds include honks of Canada Goose, American Crow, gulls, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Chestnut-backed Chickadee and American Robin. Loop.
• QP16 1974 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves choppy distant.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with birds and distant choppy waves. Birds include distinct Wilson’s Warbler with background of Black-throated Gray Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird wings, Pacific Wren and American Robin. Loop.
• QP16 1975 Ocean Shores HE day waves logs bobbing V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline bobbing logs close with distant ocean waves. Birds include faint Song Sparrow and House Finch. Loop.
• QP16 1976 Ocean Shores HE day waves logs bobbing V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline bobbing logs close with distant ocean waves. Birds include background Song Sparrow and American Crow. Loop.
• QP16 1977 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves gulls.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gulls stationary and close. Waves booming in background. Loop.
• QP16 1978 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves sweeping rumbling.wav High energy ocean shoreline with long sweeping waves on pebble beach. Background with American Crow, European Starling, American Robin, Red Crossbill, Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Loop.
• QP16 1979 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves rumbling.wav High energy ocean shoreline with rumbling waves on pebble beach. Background birds active with Red-winged Blackbird, American Crow, Orange-crowned Warbler, California Quail, Song Sparrow, House Finch, gulls, American Robin. Some close water lapping at times. Loop.
• QP16 1980 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves rumbling busy.wav High energy ocean shoreline with rumbling waves on pebble beach and birds. Feels busy. Song Sparrow prominent. Other birds in background include American Crow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Killdeer, Pacific Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet. Loop.
• QP16 1981 Ocean Shores HE waves pounding.wav High energy ocean shoreline with pounding waves. Loop.
• QP16 1982 Ocean Shores HE waves huge.wav High energy ocean shoreline with huge waves. Loop.
• QP16 1983 Ocean Shores HE day waves pounding mod distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with moderately distant waves pounding onto beach. Gulls very faint at times. Loop.
• QP16 1984 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves rumbling.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and waves rumbling. Birds include Savannah, Sparrow, Ring-necked Pheasant, White-crowned Sparrow and Black-bellied Plover. Loop.
• QP16 1985 Ocean Shores HE waves huge distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with huge distant waves pounding shore. Feels powerful yet protected. Loop.
• QP16 1986 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves large.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant waves. Birds include American Robin, American Goldfinch, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Violet-green Swallow. Loop.
• QP16 1987 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves large rumbling.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant rumbling waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow, American Goldfinch, White-crowned Sparrow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Busy and powerful. Loop.
• QP16 1988 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves large rumbling.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant rumbling waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow with background of White-crowned Sparrow, Brewer’s Blackbird and Red- winged Blackbird. Loop.
• QP16 1989 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds active waves large distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active forest birds and distant rumbling waves. Forest acoustics prominent with featured Swainson’s Thrush. American Robin and American Crow in background. Slight breeze developing. Loop.
• QP16 1990 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves distant Raven.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active forest birds and very distant rumbling waves. Forest acoustics prominent with featured Common Raven. Also present are Pacific Wren and Varied Thrush. Breeze developing with fog drips. Loop.
• QP16 1991 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves distant busy.wav High energy ocean shoreline with birds and thunderous distant waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow. Also present are House Finch, White-crowned Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Brewer’s Blackbird, Red-winged Blackbird, American Goldfinch and American Robin. Busy. Loop.

• QP16 1992 Ocean Shores HE day lake birds frogs fish waves distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with lake birds, frogs and fish splashes. Waves very distant roar. Birds include prominent Red-winged Blackbird with Common Yellowthroat, European Starling, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pacific Wren, American Robin in background. Charming. Loop.
• QP16 1993 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds squirrel waves distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Tanager, Common Raven, prominent Wilson’s Warbler, woodpecker drum, American Robin, Varied Thrush. Occasional Pacific Chorus Frog and Douglas Squirrel. Spacious and relaxing. Loop.
• QP16 1994 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include Pacific Wren, Wilson’s Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet. Bird wing flutters and rustling in bushes. Loop.
• QP16 1995 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves very distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include White-eyed Vireo, Gray Catbird, prominent Northern Cardinal, woodpecker drum, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Barred Owl, Blue Jay, Great Crested Flycatcher. Faint frogs. Rustling in bushes. Loop.
• QP16 1996 Ocean Shores HE day birds White-crowned Sparrow distant waves.wav High energy ocean shoreline with birds and distant waves. Birds include prominent White-crowned Sparrow and background with Common Yellowthroat, gulls, American Crow, American Goldfinch. Faint Common Loon. Loop.
• QP16 1997 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds frogs waves distant.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and distant waves and frog. Birds include prominent American Robin, Tree Swallow, Varied Thrush, Pacific Wren. Loop.
• QP16 1998 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V1.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Loop.
• QP16 1999 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V2.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Loop.
• QP16 2000 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V3.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Micro waves closer than in previous versions. Marine mammal breaths through blowholes in very far distance. Loop.
• QP16 2001 Ocean Shores LE day wave ripples close.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close rippling micro waves and distant birds. Birds include American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Varied Thrush. Loop.
• QP16 2002 Ocean Shores LE night wave rock gurgles close.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves gurgling among rocks with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Loop.
• QP16 2003 Ocean Shores LE dawn wave lap wind distant.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves lapping with many small bubbles. Gulls faint in background with first calls of Song Sparrow. Loop.
• QP16 2004 Ocean Shores LE night wave micro sweeping.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves sweeping with many small bubbles. Gulls faint in background. Loop.
• QP16 2005 Ocean Shores LE night waves choppy.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with choppy waves. Loop.
• QP16 2006 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro crickets V1.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave lap and crickets. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Loop.
• QP16 2007 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro crickets V2.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave lap and crickets. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 2008 Ocean Shores HE night wave surges rocks crickets V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave surges into rocks and background of faint distant cricket trills. Loop.
• QP16 2009 Ocean Shores HE night wave surges rocks crickets V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave surges into rocks and background of faint distant cricket trills. Loop.
• QP16 2010 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant pounding.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant pounding waves and faint birds. Birds include gulls, American Crow, sparrows. Loop.
• QP16 2011 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant pounding crickets.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant pounding waves and crickets. Gulls occasionally faint in background. Loop.
• QP16 2012 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant roaring cricket trills.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant roaring waves and cricket trills. Frog croaks distant at times. Loop.
• QP16 2013 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant roaring cricket single.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant roaring waves and single cricket moderately close. Distant birds include Blue Jay, American Crow, Song Sparrow. Loop.
• QP16 2014 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves thundering crickets V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with thundering waves and crickets close. Distant bird is American Crow. Loop.
• QP16 2015 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves thundering crickets V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with thundering waves and crickets close. Distant bird is American Crow. Loop.

• QP16 2016 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Occasional fog drips with slight breeze. Loop.
• QP16 2017 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trill.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with cricket rhythms and trill prominent. Ocean waves consistent roar in background. Loop.
• QP16 2018 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect trills.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with cricket rhythms background and trills prominent foreground. Ocean waves consistent roar in background. Loop.
• QP16 2019 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Loop.
• QP16 2020 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times. Loop.
• QP16 2021 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V3.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times. Loop.
• QP16 2022 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V4.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times. Loop.
• QP16 2023 Ocean Shores HE dawn forested dunes insect rhythms trills.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times. Softer than previous versions. Dawn. Loop.
• QP16 2024 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes cricket rhythms trills V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with night crickets and waves roaring. Loop.
• QP16 2025 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes cricket rhythms trills V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with night crickets and waves roaring. Loop.
• QP16 2026 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes Snowy Crickets V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with Snowy Crickets and waves roaring background. Breeze at times. Loop.
• QP16 2027 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes Snowy Crickets V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with Snowy Crickets louder than previous version. Drone of offshore fishing vessel. Waves roaring lightly with some wind in background. Loop.
• QP16 2028 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs waves roaring.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forest pond with Pacific Chorus Frogs sparse, faint owl hoot, consistent roar of ocean in far background. Loop.
• QP16 2029 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs close waves roaring.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forest pond with very active close Pacific Chorus Frogs, consistent roar of ocean in far background. Loop.
• QP16 2030 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs toads waves distant insects.wav High energy ocean shoreline at forest pond with very active close frogs and toads, consistent roar of ocean in far background. Insect trills prominent. Loop.
• QP16 2031 Ocean Shores HE cave sea lions V1.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside cave with Stellar Sea Lions producing chaotic interior soundscape. Loop.
• QP16 2032 Ocean Shores HE cave sea lions V2.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside cave with Stellar Sea Lions producing chaotic interior soundscape. Loop.
• QP16 2033 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V1.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2034 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V2.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2035 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V3.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2036 Ocean Shores bird seagulls feeding.wav Seagulls feeding on calm, quiet harbor with excellent isolation. American Crow at times. NR applied. Loop.
• QP16 2037 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V1.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2038 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V2.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2039 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V3.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2040 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V4.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.

• QP16 2041 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V5.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2042 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V6.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2043 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V7.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2044 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V8.wav Song Sparrow series. Loop.
• QP16 2045 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V9.wav Song Sparrow series. Loop.
• QP16 2046 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V10.wav Song Sparrow series. Loop.

✔️ Ocean Shores SURROUND
• QP16 1947 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V1 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with American Robin, gulls, Canada Goose in background with faint Spotted Towhee and Rufous Hummingbird.
• QP16 1948 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V2 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with American Robin, gulls, American Crow, Canada Goose. Background has faint Chestnut-back Chickadee and Rufous Hummingbird.
• QP16 1949 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V3 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow with gulls, Rufous Hummingbird and Song Sparrow.
• QP16 1950 Ocean Shores LE day bird chorus water calm V4 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with prominent birdsong. Water calm. Birds include featured White-crowned Sparrow and featured American Robin with Song Sparrow, gulls, American Crow and Common Raven in background. Charming and peaceful.
• QP16 1951 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves rippling close 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed water ripples and faint birds including Common Yellowthroat and Red-winged Blackbird. Intimate.
• QP16 1952 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves bubbles intimate 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave bubbles and active clear shore birds including American Robin, American Crow calls and bill rattles, gulls, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Rufous Hummingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow. Detailed and intimate spacious experience.
• QP16 1953 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves gurgling close 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave gurgles on rocks and active birds include prominent American Robin with American Crow, gulls. Far background Orange-crowned Warbler and White-crowned Sparrow.
• QP16 1954 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves gurgling wind pass 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave gurgles on rocks and active birds include prominent American Crow. Wind developing in background. Also present are American Robin, Song Sparrow, Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1955 Ocean Shores LE day birds wave sweeps close 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close detailed wave sweeps across beach and birds in background include American Robin and Song Sparrow. Sensuous.
• QP16 1956 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves choppy gulls 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with light choppy waves and gull cries. Birds in background include Orange-crowned Warbler and Song Sparrow.
• QP16 1957 Ocean Shores LE day birds waves distant 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with distant roar of waves. Forest birds in background include American Robin, Common Yellowthroat, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow. Far background with Varied Thrush, Pacific Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Pacific Chorus Frog. Occasional fish splash.
• QP16 1958 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves relaxing 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Pacific Wren and American Robin, American Crow, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Steller’s Jay, and Varied Thrush in background. Waves distinct and moderately distant. Relaxing.
• QP16 1959 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves gulls 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow with frequent distant gulls. Background includes Varied Thrush, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pacific Wren, Great Blue Heron, American Crow. Distant waves small and choppy.
• QP16 1960 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves wind 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves in background. Other birds present in background are Wilson’s Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Pacific Wren. Blustery feel.
• QP16 1961 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves surging gulls V1 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves surging in background. Other birds present in background are gulls, Pacific Wren, Golden- crowned Kinglet.
• QP16 1962 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves surging gulls V2 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves surging in background. Other birds present in background are Song Sparrow, Pacific Wren, Mallard Ducks, gulls, American Crow, Varied Thrush, American Robin. Birds more active than previous version.
• QP16 1963 Ocean Shores ME day forest birds waves sweeping 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with forest birds including prominent Song Sparrow and wind waves sweeping in background. Other birds present in background are American Crow, American Robin, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
• QP16 1964 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V1 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1965 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V2 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1966 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V3 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and frequent gulls. Background with forest birds including American Crow, American Robin and Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1967 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V4 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and gulls. Background with distant Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1968 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping gulls V5 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves and American Robin chirps and occasional gulls. Rumbling sounds concurrent with wave action is caused by logs rubbing together, sometimes thudding.

• QP16 1969 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves sweeping logs 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with sweeping waves against driftwood logs. Birds include prominent American Crow. Background birds include American Robin, Steller’s Jay, Pacific Wren, Townsend’s Warbler, Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1970 Ocean Shores ME day waves smooth detailed V1 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves. Gulls present towards end.
• QP16 1971 Ocean Shores ME day waves smooth detailed V2 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves, closer than previous version. American Crow background.
• QP16 1972 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves smooth detailed gulls V1 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with smooth sweeping waves. Gulls active in background with American Crow, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1973 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves smooth detailed gulls V2 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with birds and sweeping waves. Birds include honks of Canada Goose, American Crow, gulls, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Chestnut-backed Chickadee and American Robin.
• QP16 1974 Ocean Shores ME day birds waves choppy distant 5.0.wav Medium energy ocean shoreline with birds and distant choppy waves. Birds include distinct Wilson’s Warbler with background of Black-throated Gray Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird wings, Pacific Wren and American Robin.
• QP16 1975 Ocean Shores HE day waves logs bobbing V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline bobbing logs close with distant ocean waves. Birds include faint Song Sparrow and House Finch.
• QP16 1976 Ocean Shores HE day waves logs bobbing V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline bobbing logs close with distant ocean waves. Birds include background Song Sparrow and American Crow.
• QP16 1977 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves gulls 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gulls stationary and close. Waves booming in background.
• QP16 1978 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves sweeping rumbling 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with long sweeping waves on pebble beach. Background with American Crow, European Starling, American Robin, Red Crossbill, Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
• QP16 1979 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves rumbling 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with rumbling waves on pebble beach. Background birds active with Red-winged Blackbird, American Crow, Orange-crowned Warbler, California Quail, Song Sparrow, House Finch, gulls, American Robin. Some close water lapping at times.
• QP16 1980 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves rumbling busy 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with rumbling waves on pebble beach and birds. Feels busy. Song Sparrow prominent. Other birds in background include American Crow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Killdeer, Pacific Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet.
• QP16 1981 Ocean Shores HE waves pounding 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with pounding waves.
• QP16 1982 Ocean Shores HE waves huge 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with huge waves.
• QP16 1983 Ocean Shores HE day waves pounding mod distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with moderately distant waves pounding onto beach. Gulls very faint at times.
• QP16 1984 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves rumbling 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and waves rumbling. Birds include Savannah, Sparrow, Ring-necked Pheasant, White-crowned Sparrow and Black-bellied Plover.
• QP16 1985 Ocean Shores HE waves huge distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with huge distant waves pounding shore. Feels powerful yet protected.
• QP16 1986 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves large 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant waves. Birds include American Robin, American Goldfinch, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Violet-green Swallow.
• QP16 1987 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves large rumbling 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant rumbling waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow, American Goldfinch, White-crowned Sparrow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Busy and powerful.
• QP16 1988 Ocean Shores HE day birds active waves large rumbling 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active birds and distant rumbling waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow with background of White-crowned Sparrow, Brewer’s Blackbird and Red- winged Blackbird.
• QP16 1989 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds active waves large distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active forest birds and distant rumbling waves. Forest acoustics prominent with featured Swainson’s Thrush. American Robin and American Crow in background. Slight breeze developing.
• QP16 1990 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves distant Raven 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with active forest birds and very distant rumbling waves. Forest acoustics prominent with featured Common Raven. Also present are Pacific Wren and Varied Thrush. Breeze developing with fog drips.
• QP16 1991 Ocean Shores HE day birds waves distant busy 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with birds and thunderous distant waves. Birds include prominent Song Sparrow. Also present are House Finch, White-crowned Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Brewer’s Blackbird, Red-winged Blackbird, American Goldfinch and American Robin. Busy.

• QP16 1992 Ocean Shores HE day lake birds frogs fish waves distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with lake birds, frogs and fish splashes. Waves very distant roar. Birds include prominent Red-winged Blackbird with Common Yellowthroat, European Starling, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pacific Wren, American Robin in background. Charming.
• QP16 1993 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds squirrel waves distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Tanager, Common Raven, prominent Wilson’s Warbler, woodpecker drum, American Robin, Varied Thrush. Occasional Pacific Chorus Frog and Douglas Squirrel. Spacious and relaxing.
• QP16 1994 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include Pacific Wren, Wilson’s Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet. Bird wing flutters and rustling in bushes.
• QP16 1995 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds waves very distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and very distant wave roar. Birds include White-eyed Vireo, Gray Catbird, prominent Northern Cardinal, woodpecker drum, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Barred Owl, Blue Jay, Great Crested Flycatcher. Faint frogs. Rustling in bushes.
• QP16 1996 Ocean Shores HE day birds White-crowned Sparrow distant waves 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with birds and distant waves. Birds include prominent White-crowned Sparrow and background with Common Yellowthroat, gulls, American Crow, American Goldfinch. Faint Common Loon.
• QP16 1997 Ocean Shores HE day forest birds frogs waves distant 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with forest birds and distant waves and frog. Birds include prominent American Robin, Tree Swallow, Varied Thrush, Pacific Wren.
• QP16 1998 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V1 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 1999 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V2 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 2000 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro V3 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves on sea shell fragments with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site. Micro waves closer than in previous versions. Marine mammal breaths through blowholes in very far distance.
• QP16 2001 Ocean Shores LE day wave ripples close 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with close rippling micro waves and distant birds. Birds include American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Varied Thrush.
• QP16 2002 Ocean Shores LE night wave rock gurgles close 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves gurgling among rocks with small bubbles. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 2003 Ocean Shores LE dawn wave lap wind distant 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves lapping with many small bubbles. Gulls faint in background with first calls of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2004 Ocean Shores LE night wave micro sweeping 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with very delicate micro waves sweeping with many small bubbles. Gulls faint in background.
• QP16 2005 Ocean Shores LE night waves choppy 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with choppy waves.
• QP16 2006 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro crickets V1 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave lap and crickets. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 2007 Ocean Shores LE night waves micro crickets V2 5.0.wav Low energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave lap and crickets. Gulls faint in background from nesting site.
• QP16 2008 Ocean Shores HE night wave surges rocks crickets V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave surges into rocks and background of faint distant cricket trills.
• QP16 2009 Ocean Shores HE night wave surges rocks crickets V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline with gentle wave surges into rocks and background of faint distant cricket trills.
• QP16 2010 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant pounding 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant pounding waves and faint birds. Birds include gulls, American Crow, sparrows.
• QP16 2011 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant pounding crickets 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant pounding waves and crickets. Gulls occasionally faint in background.
• QP16 2012 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant roaring cricket trills 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant roaring waves and cricket trills. Frog croaks distant at times.
• QP16 2013 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves distant roaring cricket single 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with distant roaring waves and single cricket moderately close. Distant birds include Blue Jay, American Crow, Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2014 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves thundering crickets V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with thundering waves and crickets close. Distant bird is American Crow.
• QP16 2015 Ocean Shores HE day dunes waves thundering crickets V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline among sand dunes with thundering waves and crickets close. Distant bird is American Crow.

• QP16 2016 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Occasional fog drips with slight breeze.
• QP16 2017 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trill 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with cricket rhythms and trill prominent. Ocean waves consistent roar in background.
• QP16 2018 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect trills 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with cricket rhythms background and trills prominent foreground. Ocean waves consistent roar in background.
• QP16 2019 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint.
• QP16 2020 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times.
• QP16 2021 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V3 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times.
• QP16 2022 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes insect rhythms trills V4 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times.
• QP16 2023 Ocean Shores HE dawn forested dunes insect rhythms trills 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with insects and distant waves roaring. Drone of offshore fishing vessel very faint. Breeze at times. Softer than previous versions. Dawn.
• QP16 2024 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes cricket rhythms trills V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with night crickets and waves roaring.
• QP16 2025 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes cricket rhythms trills V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with night crickets and waves roaring.
• QP16 2026 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes Snowy Crickets V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with Snowy Crickets and waves roaring background. Breeze at times.
• QP16 2027 Ocean Shores HE night forested dunes Snowy Crickets V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forested sand dunes with Snowy Crickets louder than previous version. Drone of offshore fishing vessel. Waves roaring lightly with some wind in background.
• QP16 2028 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs waves roaring 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forest pond with Pacific Chorus Frogs sparse, faint owl hoot, consistent roar of ocean in far background.
• QP16 2029 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs close waves roaring 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside forest pond with very active close Pacific Chorus Frogs, consistent roar of ocean in far background.
• QP16 2030 Ocean Shores HE night forest frogs toads waves distant insects 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline at forest pond with very active close frogs and toads, consistent roar of ocean in far background. Insect trills prominent.
• QP16 2031 Ocean Shores HE cave sea lions V1 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside cave with Stellar Sea Lions producing chaotic interior soundscape.
• QP16 2032 Ocean Shores HE cave sea lions V2 5.0.wav High energy ocean shoreline inside cave with Stellar Sea Lions producing chaotic interior soundscape.
• QP16 2033 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V1 5.0.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2034 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V2 5.0.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2035 Ocean Shores bird seagull cry V3 5.0.wav Single seagull cry.
• QP16 2036 Ocean Shores bird seagulls feeding 5.0.wav Seagulls feeding on calm, quiet harbor with excellent isolation. American Crow at times. NR applied.
• QP16 2037 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V1 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2038 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V2 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2039 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V3 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.

• QP16 2040 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V4 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2041 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V5 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2042 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V6 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2043 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V7 5.0.wav Single song of Song Sparrow.
• QP16 2044 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V8 5.0.wav Song Sparrow series.
• QP16 2045 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V9 5.0.wav Song Sparrow series.
• QP16 2046 Ocean Shores bird Song Sparrow V10 5.0.wav Song Sparrow series.

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