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Sample Logic - CinemorphX (KONTAKT)

  • Издатель: Sample Logic
  • Формат: KONTAKT
  • Качество: 24 bit | 44.1 kHz | stereo
  • Размер: 28.36 GB
  • N.I. Kontakt 7 v7.1.13 для Windows : СКАЧАТЬ
  • N.I. Kontakt 7 v7.1.13 (Full Retail) Unlocked для Windows : СКАЧАТЬ
  • N.I. Kontakt 7 v7.1.13 PORTABLE для Windows : СКАЧАТЬ
  • N.I. Kontakt 7 v7.0.11 для macOS : СКАЧАТЬ


То, что началось почти десять лет назад с наградами AMBIENCE • IMPACTS • RHYTHMS (A.I.R.) - набор разнообразных инструментов, ориентированных для кино, телевидения и игровых композиторов - и продолжил через элементы - инструменты сэмплов, ориентированные на шесть элементов музыки (Ambience, Bass, Harmony, Impacts, Melody, и Rhythm) - и SYNERGY - захватывающий набор инновационных электронных и синтезированные мировых инструментов - приходит в голову с CINEMORPHX . Творчески переработав, повторно морфинговой , и воссоздав на 30GB своего лучшего кинематографического материала сэмплов, Sample Logic удалось собрать наиболее полный кинематографический виртуальный инструмент доступны в любом месте - прошлое, настоящее или будущее!

✔️ Содержание
» 30GB of content
» OVER 6,000 never-before-heard sound presets
» Dozens of fully-customizable effects presets
» Sample Logic’s proprietary Morph Animator, Step Animator, 3D Mixer, and the only XY mixer for Kontakt
» All new hot-swappable FX chain technology
» Fully randomizable interface for instant inspiration

✔️ Дополнительная информация
What began almost a decade ago with the award-winning AMBIENCE • IMPACTS • RHYTHMS (A.I.R.) — a set of diverse score tool instruments geared for film, TV, and game composers — and continued through THE ELEMENTS — sample instruments focused on the six ‘elements’ of music (Ambience, Bass, Harmony, Impacts, Melody, and Rhythm) — and SYNERGY — a breathtaking collection of innovative electronic and morphed world instruments — comes to a head with CINEMORPHX. Creatively reworking, re-morphing, and recreating over 30GB of its finest cinematic sample material, Sample Logic has succeeded in assembling the most comprehensive cinematic virtual instrument available anywhere — past, present, or future!


Sample Logic‘s effects engine is what makes CINEMORPHX much more than just a sample set. Equipped with modern and proprietary effects and animation capabilities, CINEMORPHX is the perfect tool for creating inspiring sounds on the fly, anytime! To ensure you get the most out of it, we’ve partnered with ASKVideo.com to provide free, in-depth video walkthroughs (normally valued at $20) of all the functionality CINEMORPHX has to offer. Go through function by function at your own pace to discover the endless depth and creative power of CINEMORPHX.


In a hurry? Sample Logic has equipped over a dozen parameters within the CINEMORPHX interface for randomization, allowing you to rapidly tap into trillions of starting point combinations with creative effects. Simply arm the randomization feature, and prepare to fire! The interface’s intelligent randomization technology will generate inspiring results, on the spot, every time!



  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
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