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Black Octopus Sound Hyperbits Vocal Toolkit (WAV)

  • Издатель: Black Octopus Sound
  • Формат: WAV
  • Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
  • Размер: 1.14 GB


Исследуйте глубины вокального производства и сэмплирования с более чем 550 сэмплами в «Hyperbits Ultimate Vocal Toolkit».
Тщательно организованный и разбитый на четыре раздела: вокальные эффекты, вокальные атмосферы, вокальные нарезки и вокальные партии (мокрые и сухие). Этот пакет является идеальным дополнением, чтобы ваши треки могли конкурировать с лучшими отраслевыми продуктами. Ничто не может сравниться с органичными звуками вокала в привлечении внимания ваших слушателей, и в этом пакете есть всё, что вам нужно, чтобы сделать именно это!

✔️ Содержание
» 560 WAV
» Vocal Chops
» Vocal Leads
» Vocal Atmospheres
» Vocal Effects
» Отсортированы по 100, 120 и 150 BPM.

✔️ Дополнительная информация
Explore the depths of vocal production and sampling with over 550 total samples in ‘Hyperbits Ultimate Vocal Toolkit’

Meticulously organized and broken down across four sections: Vocal Effects, Vocal Atmospheres, Vocal Chops & Vocal Leads (Wet & Dry). This pack is perfect addition to get your tracks competing with the top industry production. Nothing can beat the organic sounds of vocals at grabbing your listeners attention, and this pack has everything you need to do exactly that!

“The vocal chops will ignite your inspiration, fuel your creativity and get your next idea flowing in a matter of minutes. Meticulously organized across 100, 120, and 150 BPM. The vocal leads will redefine what you are able to create as melodic leads. Reminiscent of current production standards, yet futuristic in quality and production, these vocal leads will turn heads and amp up your productions. The vocal effects will help let the weirdness run rampant and wild. We’re talking 50 total effects, like vocal risers, distortions, flangers, tremolos, creepy pitch changes, breaths, exhales, reverses, downlifters, beautiful tonality warps and so, so much more. Enter cautiously, these are not for the faint of heart. These vocal atmospheres are tuned and ready to drop right into your productions. Each with a different texture, timbre and general ambiance, these atmospheres will crystalize your production and add depth and shine.

Holy sh*t. This pack is an absolute beast!” – Hyperbits

* Hyperbits requests that you not use their name in the branding of your music, track credits, title, or artist names.

**Drums and melodic content in demo are not included in the pack. This is a vocal and vocal effects pack only.

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