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Kirk Hunter Studios Chamber Strings Adaptive (KONTAKT)

  • Издатель: Kirk Hunter Studios
  • Формат: KONTAKT (6.6.1+)
  • Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
  • Размер: 4.64 GB


Адаптивные Камерные Струнные
6 Скрипок, 4 Альта, 4 Виолончели, 2 Контрабаса

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Chamber Strings Adaptive >
Stunning chamber sound; amazing playability.
Incredibly flexible "ensemble' patches.
For "ensemble" patches, each section can contain ANY short or long articulation (spiccato, staccato, detache, pizzicato, col legno, Bartok pizzicato, sustain, tremolo, major trill, minor trill).
Silky smooth slurred or bowed legato.
Flexible legato choices: Polyphonic, non-polyphonic, intense, mild, bowed.
Vibrato and dynamics can "chase" velocity smoothly EVEN on held notes.
Go from punchy and aggressive marcatos to silky smooth legatos with no keyswitching or controllers.
Two different portamento styles.
Extensive modeling to conserve the memory footprint.
Flexible vibrato control.
Added automation page for controlling such things as articulations, vibrato, dynamics and more via MIDI CC.
Recorded at the First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica where A-list Los Angeles-based orchestras record and perform.


  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи прошло проверку на работоспособность.

Загрузок: 25

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