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Fable Sounds Broadway Big Band 2.0.24 (KONTAKT)

  • Издатель: Fable Sounds
  • Формат: Kontakt 5.5.1 or higher
  • Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
  • Размер: 100.05 GB


Broadway Big Band - Kontakt Edition - это превосходный контент и инновационные технологические инновации. Это виртуальный инструмент от Fable Sounds с колоссальным 100 гигабайтом аудиоконтента и уникальным набором мощных функций. Broadway Big Band - Kontakt Edition, созданный по образу и характеру, был признан лучшим виртуальным инструментом для современных духовых, тростниковых и ритм-секционных инструментов. Бродвейский биг-бэнд с несколькими настройками микрофона, будь то живое выступление на сцене или работа в студии, современный или старый, может сделать все это. Он использовался ведущими профессионалами в крупных альбомах, концертных шоу, а также в проектах с участием кино, телевидения и театра. Создавая самые подробные, реалистичные, универсальные и играемые инструменты у вас под рукой, Broadway Big Band ™ - незаменимый инструмент для создания джаза, фанка, поп-музыки, блюза, R & B, латиницы, хип-хопа и многого другого…

✔️ Requirements: KONTAKT PLAYER or FULL version 5.5.1 or higher
Note for OSX:
Put the "Fable Sound" inside "RTO" in "/Documents/Native Instruments/Kontakt/pictures"
If you use Kontakt 5, must be Kontakt 5/pictures
For Kontakt Portable users, RTO folder goes into (NI Kontakt Port Folder)...\UserData\Kontakt5\pictures\Fable Sounds

Дополнительная информация
A groundbreaking feature enabling polyphonic, poly-rhythmic legato across a mixed section of instruments. Using RTO you can play an entire section on the keyboard, and the notes you play are orchestrated in real time and distributed to the various instruments in the RTO multi, based on orchestration schemes that you can create yourself. This is an extremely powerful system which is extremely easy to use. Great for live shows, as well as tracking under tight deadlines. It also offers articulation presets which can replace the built-in key-switching with alternative midi triggers such as foot-switches, freeing your left hand for playing notes rather than key-switches.

From now on, you can use any of the Broadway Big Band wind instruments multiple times in the arrangement or in a multi, even when playing unison, creating a realistic section of multiple instruments. This means that even with multiple instances of just one instrument, you can still get a realistic section of multiple instruments playing in unison. The feature is not some kind of a doubling effect, but rather it uses different samples, and performs slight adjustments to make sure each instance of the instrument sounds a little different from the other. The results are very realistic. The feature also includes “Humanize” and “Detune” knobs for further control over the section sound.

With version 2.0, “Notation mode” has been added to all of the Broadway Big Band instruments, to enable notation programs to communicate with Broadway Big Band and use it for playback of scores, including all included articulations and dynamics. The new Notation mode also enables integration with Cubase Expression maps. This was not previously possible due to the unique articulation switching system in Broadway Big Band. The new Notation Mode uses an alternative system of key-switching that is more in line with the way notation programs operate.

Due to the extended dynamic range of the wind instruments included in Broadway Big Band, it is sometimes difficult to keep dynamics under control when using a MIDI keyboard’s velocity. To help overcome this, we’ve added a new knob to control the velocity curve, which helps adjusting the responsiveness of the Broadway Big Band instruments to various MIDI keyboards. The new velocity curve control feature can also be MIDI automated to make changes within a song as needed.

FP+Vibrato, Added both as a temporary articulation and in combination with the existing “Strong Vibrato” articulation, as a new “Deep Vibrato” playing mode.

Improved consistency of levels and envelope programming and a new and improved user interface.


  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи прошло проверку на работоспособность.

Загрузок: 26

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