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MDL Tone Ultimate Heavy Drums (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: MDL Tone
  • Формат: Kontakt (6.7.0+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 3.44 GB


Ударная установка
Ultimate Heavy Drums — чрезвычайно универсальная ударная установка. Она может похвастаться 14 различными малыми барабанами, 10 различными бочками, 3 наборами томов и широким выбором тарелок. Эти впечатляющие звуки отточены и доведены до совершенства. Инструмент также обладает невероятно ценным арсеналом встроенных функций микширования.

Разработано и записано Джошем Миддлтоном — гитаристом, вокалистом, автором песен и продюсером из Великобритании, удостоенным множества наград. На протяжении своей карьеры Джош участвовал в продюсировании и сведении множества групп (Sylosis, Architects, Kreator, Heriot, Nakkeknaeker, Malevolence).
Tilt EQ
The tilt EQ will allow you make any piece of the kit brighter or darker with a simple horizontal fader. I wanted this library to be fully processed and ‘mix-ready’ as soon as you open it. But having the ability to fine-tune the how bright or dark each element is will give you even more control over these sounds in your mix.
Transient Designer
This enables you to increase or decrease the attack and sustain of each individual piece of the kit to give you maximum control of the punch and sustain of every element of your drum mix.
Envelope Filters
The envelope filters also enable you to control the attack, sustain and release of each kit piece but in a different way to the transient designer. These work more like fade ins and fade outs. The combination of the sustain and release features in particular can allow you to hear a full sustain and resonance in a drum but add a more abrupt fade out. For example, this technique can allow your drums to ‘sing’ with a nice initial sustain but control a more abrupt fade-out to balance out the length of the decay.
One-Shot Sample Loader
One-shot samples are single hit samples that can be loaded into this Kontakt instrument to combine with the sounds from the library. This one-shot sample slots are on both kick and snare mixers. Don’t have your own library of samples? We’ve included single kick and snare WAV samples from this library as a separate download so you can combine different sounds in your mixes.
Pitch & Reverb
Pitch - As with every other mix feature within the instrument, the pitch controls also work on every single piece of the kit. This can open up even more possibilities of drum tones. It’s particularly useful in changing the characteristic of a snare drum. It can also be used to match the pitch or phase of any one-shot samples you may want to use.

Reverb - Have full control over the amount of reverb you want on each piece of the kit.


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Загрузок: 27

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