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Audio Imperia Jaeger 1.4.1 (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: Audio Imperia
  • Формат: Kontakt (6.7.0+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 55.77 GB


Современный гибридный оркестр

Jaeger, что в переводе с немецкого означает «охотник», — мощный и подвижный гибридный оркестровый инструмент, в основе которого лежит современность. Этот инструмент, созданный для придания музыке громкого и драматичного колорита, способен на всё.
Jaeger — первый релиз в серии оркестровых инструментов, которые откроют вам новую эру современной кинематографической музыки. Как композиторы, мы постоянно ищем новую творческую искру, но сжатые сроки не всегда позволяют нам найти время для вдохновения. Jaeger решает эту проблему: просто изучите наш разнообразный ассортимент патчей, и музыка последует за вами.
Epic Orchestra
Intimately Recorded Syllables that effortlessly transition from one to another

Angelic Solo Vocals
Elevate your compositions with the ethereal vocals of Merethe Soltvedt. Spanning Ahhs, Oos, to Mms, and legato samples that are nothing short of mesmerizing.

Cutting Edge Sound Design
AAA film and trailer sound effects: intense braaams, risers, gritty synth pulses, atmospheres, mechanized hybrid FX. No post-processing needed!
An Iconic Vocalist at your Fingertips
Merethe Soltvedt is an award-winning vocalist who has performed for composers such as Jeff Broadbent, Henry Lai, Tom Salta, Ivan Torrent and companies like Brand X, Two Steps From Hell, and Ghostwriter Music. A truly unique and very angelic voice that will add a whole other dimension to your music.
Hard Hitting Sound Design
Jaeger contains a full-on sound design suite with 18 categories and 23 patches: Braaams, Drones, Ethnic Flute SFX, 2x Hits, Mech Braaams, Mech Hits, Mech SFX, Pads, Pings, Pulses (120, 60), Risers, Whooshes, 3x Epic Drum Layers, Bends, Dark Pads, Signature Sounds, 2x Shorts, Throat Singing
Epic Drum Kit
Uniquely sampled larger-than-life epic drum kits with tight, room and hall mixes. Played by renowned drummers Anup Sastry and Alex Rüdinger, and processed by sound designer Bryan Leach

New Instruments
Signature sounds, textures, pads and drones with the 5x new instruments: ‘Bends, Dark Pads, Signature Sounds, Aggressive Shorts & Soft Shorts’, created by Simon Haglund

Throat Singing
Multisampled throat singing by artist Ran Vas Terul, and processed by Bryan Leach
The Orchestra
Capellen Music Production is an industry-recognized Film and Pop Symphony Expert. To date, Capellen has produced music for many film and record companies, including Warner Music, EMI Classic, Disney/Pixar, Maxis/Electronic Arts, Broadway Theatre, Two Steps From Hell, etc., and its recordings are considered as state of the art within the industry.


Загрузок: 28

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