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Noon Instruments Vessels (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: Noon Instruments
  • Формат: Kontakt (7.7.0+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 24.11 GB


Коллекция аналоговых и цифровых синтезаторов

Vessels — это исследование резонанса объектов и звуковой материальности.

Обширная коллекция тщательно сэмплированных аналоговых и цифровых синтезаторов воссоздана с помощью современных и экспериментальных методов реампинга. Точно записанная в знаменитой лондонской студии Holy Mountain, Vessels выходит за рамки традиционного синтеза, добавляя исходному материалу колорит, объём и материальность. Полученные записи формируют палитру сырых, текстурированных синтезаторных тембров, пропитанных характером и глубиной Vessels, из которых они были созданы.
Пресеты Vessels делятся на три категории: Convergent, Divergent и Relics.

The Convergent Bank comprises 220 sound-designed presets forged from material resonance exploration.
Using surface transducers to vibrate and drive metallic objects, the objects themselves become a new sound source - creating abstract, elemental deviations from the original synth recordings.
Combine Oil Drum and Thunder Sheet resonances with the original synth material to generate tonal and spatial variances, often resulting in unwieldy, harmonic disturbances.
An additional Thundersheet layer was captured using a Lom Geofón - a sensitive omnidirectional contact microphone designed initially for seismic measurements. With a frequency response as low as 10Hz, the Geofón layer adds depth and power to the Convergent Bank.

The Divergent Bank contains 220 presets that utilise more traditional re-amping techniques.
Synth samples were sent through two 180-watt cabinets (in stereo), which placed the source material within a physical environment and added width and colour.
Blend different mic feeds and outboard chains with the original recordings to create unique and unfamiliar synth tones that allow for extensive, nuanced control before any effects are applied.
Captured with a pair of exquisite Sanken CU-41s, its wide response produces flawless fidelity and maintains the weight and detail of the source material.
A pair of SM-57s were also used, offering a bright, more characterful alternative to the Sankens.
The original synth samples and the Sanken and SM57 mic feeds were also sent through the External Signal Processor of a Korg MS-20, overdriving an already-slammed signal to create uncontrolled, destructive results.

The Relics Bank contains 20 presets that create an alternate sound world of warmth and nostalgia.
The source material has been re-recorded onto 1/4" tape and cassette before being sent through boutique effects pedals to form saturated, gritty textures, expanding Vessels' palette beyond the original material.
The Relics remain untouched primarily to preserve the patina generated by the process. Noise and warm distortion from the breaking signal transform the sounds into something more organic and human.
Precisely captured at the revered Holy Mountain studios in Hackney, Vessels was born from experimentation and in-depth research into object resonance. The Holy Mountain sessions took place over the course of a year, allowing for concepts to be tested, dismissed and refined.

• 460 уникальных патчей
• 11387 сэмплов
• Работает с бесплатным Kontakt Player


Загрузок: 21

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