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Fallout Music Group Unblown 1.0.1 (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: Fallout Music Group
  • Формат: Kontakt (6.7.1+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 1021.9 MB


Живой духовой ужас и эффекты напряжения

Представляем Unblown — передовое достижение в области звукового дизайна, созданное специально для композиторов триллеров и ужасов, ищущих свежее, неповторимое звучание для своих проектов.

Unblown предлагает широкий спектр тщательно проработанных звуков, полученных из сырых живых записей деревянных духовых инструментов. Независимо от того, знакомы ли вы с нашим предыдущим продуктом Unstrung или вы новичок в нашем ассортименте, Unblown обеспечивает уникальный опыт. От угрожающего рычания до навязчивого пыхтения и неземных визгов, наша библиотека позволяет вам без особых усилий создавать удары, райзеры и ритмические рисунки, которые не только отличаются друг от друга, но и легко настраиваются в соответствии с вашим уникальным стилем. Улучшайте свои композиции с помощью Unblown и открывайте мир непревзойдённых звуковых возможностей.
Библиотека содержит 3 различных инструмента Kontakt и полный набор WAV-сэмплов.

Provides you with a 16 step sequencer where each step can be loaded with a different sample from one of 5 categories (and over 700 distinct samples) of sounds: Mechanics (clicks and such), Airy, Tonal, Growls & Bites, and Flams. Each step can have volume, panning, length and tuning adjustments, making for infinite possibilities, and direct syncing to various time signatures in your DAW.

Provides you with 72 unique, designed whoosh effects, all made from live woodwind manipulations and over 700 different one shot samples combined in our new 4-layer engine to generate hits and jump scares. Play the hit by itself or play any of the whooshes which are programmed to play the hit automatically at the end of the whoosh. Create endless combinations of hits from subtle to absolutely horrific.

Our new 4-layer engine adds a special Percussion layer, which lets you select one of 30 different percussive hits as a base for your hit creations, mixing with the 3 layers of woodwind sources to give you something truly special.

Unblown Risers takes our 3-layer engine to new, twisted heights, with various live woodwind and manipulated/processed risers, all recorded at 8 bars, 120bpm and set to stretch to your project tempo. Each layer is a hand-crafted riser made from tortured woodwinds or synths, all heavily manipulated and designed to be weaved together into your own maniacal creations.
Сэмплы в формате WAV
Included in the Samples folder you will find a folder named '24bit 48k Wavs'. If you prefer working with wav files, you will find an amazing amount of freedom here. That said, we suggest using the GUIs to randomize and create your basic starter sound. Then it is easy to manipulate and export to audio for further processing. Within this folder you will find 3 sub-folders with the following wav files:

• Designed Sounds: This folder contains over 70 sounds (hits, risers, rhythms and whoosh hits) all created by Unblown and then taken through more processing to be trailer-ready.
• Preset Exports: This folder contains a wav file export of each of the Riser and Hit presets found in the GUIs. If you want a quick start to adding additional processing to a preset you like, just grab these and jump in.
• Raw Sounds: In this folder you will find the individual samples used in the instruments, including the individual riser, percussion and whoosh sources.


Загрузок: 15

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