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Fracture Sounds Blueprint #15: Church Organ (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: Fracture Sounds
  • Формат: Kontakt (7.0.11+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 2.29 GB


Церковный орган

A grand pipe organ, recorded in a spacious Georgian church, featuring a curated collection of stop combinations. With three microphone positions, this library showcases the organ’s full range, from soft, reedy tones to full-on majestic power.
Об инструменте
Recorded in St Paul’s Hall, Huddersfield, a repurposed church built in 1829 and now used as a concert hall and music venue, the St Paul’s organ features three manuals and a rich variety of stops and timbres. This library captures four stop combinations, carefully curated by Fracture Sounds founder, Will Bedford.

From soft, reed-like tones to majestic room-filling sounds, each combination is perfectly captured by three microphone perspectives, showcasing the vast reverberation of this historic Georgian space.
Stop Combinations
The original organ features 41 stops, covering a vast range of timbres, including principals, mixtures, flutes and reeds. An organist would typically blend these stops together to create unique ‘combinations’ to fit a particular moment in a piece of music.

To give you access to a range of these sounds in a user-friendly way, we have included four combinations (presented as articulations on the interface) which we have carefully crafted to cover the timbral range of the organ.

Starting with a soft ‘choral’ sound and progressively increasing in brightness and intensity, the included combinations are named Mellow, Bright, Rich, and Full.

• Swell. Acts like the swell pedal of a pipe organ, allowing the sound to become dynamically louder or softer.
• Colour. EQ effect to change the brightness of the overall sound.
• Stereo Width. Controls the stereo widening effect, turn clockwise to widen the signal, turn fully anticlockwise for a mono signal.
• Reverb. The mid and far mics contain a glorious natural reverb, captured in the church. If you need even more, you can use this reverb control, with further settings if you click the gear icon.
• Mic Mix. Control the balance of the three microphone perspectives using the individual Close, Mid and Far sliders, or blend seamlessly between a close and far mix using the Perspective slider.
• Sample Start. Controls the sample offset.
• Swell Intensity. Control how much the volume of the instrument is affected by the swell modulation.
• Release Volume. Controls the volume of the releases to give the option of taming the natural reverb.
Поддержка NKS и совместимость с Kontakt Player
Мы рады предложить полную поддержку NKS для Blueprint: Church Organ. Используя мощь клавиатур Komplete Kontrol от Native Instruments, вы получаете полный контроль над инструментом, используя встроенный дисплей и элементы управления параметрами на клавиатуре. Это также означает, что Blueprint: Church Organ доступен для слепых и слабовидящих музыкантов. Кроме того, библиотека совместима с бесплатным Kontakt Player с активацией через Native Access, что означает, что вы можете использовать её без покупки дополнительного программного обеспечения. Вы можете загрузить Kontakt Player с веб-сайта Native Instruments.

• Четыре артикуляции трубного органа
• Ближний, средний и дальний микрофоны
• Регулировка плавных переходов (swell) повторяет работу механизма трубного органа
• Простой и удобный интерфейс
• Полная поддержка NKS: работает с оборудованием Komplete Kontrol
• Работает в бесплатном Kontakt Player


Загрузок: 19

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