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UVI Xtreme FX 2 v1.0.2 (UVI Workstation, Falcon)

  • Издатель: UVI
  • Формат: Soundbank, UVI Workstation, Falcon
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 11.77 GB


Modern Sound Design and Foley Instrument
• Massive inspiration with 4000+ high-quality sounds and instruments
• Easily accessible, categorized, with D'n'D and user sample support
• Advanced sound shaping tools with XY performance control
A new experience in sound design and foley
Xtreme FX is back and better than ever with a ground-up redesign, blurring the lines between comprehensive effect library and instrument designer, with over 4,000 samples, advanced sound shaping tools, XY performance controls with modulation, macro effects, and more.
From practical sounds and foley to stylized instrument design, Xtreme FX 2 is a deep and powerful sonic tool with breathtaking clarity.
What's new
Version 2 expands on the original vision with new sounds, new features, and a completely redesigned workflow.
• Refined library with 3000+ new sounds
• Rhythmic sounds with tempo sync
• Expanded category selections with 150 scenes
• Full support for user samples and user presets
• New UI with improved workflow
• Powerful audio engine with time and pitch stretching
• Deep sound shaping with multimode filter and ADSR envelopes
• Customizable XY performance controls
• Built-in modulation for both XY pad and sample parameters


Загрузок: 50

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