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UVI Darklight IIx v1.3.2 (UVI Workstation, Falcon)

  • Издатель: UVI
  • Формат: Soundbank (UVI Workstation 2.6.0+, Falcon 1.2.0+)
  • Качество: Стерео 44.1 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 1.52 GB


Вдохновлено иконой студии 80-х
• Набор, включающий синтезатор, драм-машину и многофразовый инструмент
• Широкий спектр звуков с истинно винтажным звучанием оригинальной машины
• Современный пользовательский интерфейс и элементы управления позволяют исследовать новые звуковые территории
The dream machine of the ‘80s was unattainable by most. Used by countless prominent artists including Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Kate Bush, Herbie Hancock, Jean Michel Jarre, Thomas Dolby and many more, it remains a highly regarded and sought after instrument.

Suffering a fit of nostalgia as we often do, we decided to set about making a new instrument inspired by this legendary studio icon and we ended up making three: a digital synth, a digital drum machine, and a multi-phraser. Each instrument with its own unique quirks and personality, suited for different tasks, all with the raw, lo-fi character of the original machine. The result is an extremely fun and flexible set of instruments that gives new life to classic sounds and pushes these old voices into new sonic territory.


Загрузок: 36

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