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UVI Cameo 1.0.6 (UVI Workstation, Falcon)

  • Издатель: UVI
  • Формат: Soundbank (UVI Workstation 2.6.11+, Falcon 1.3.0+)
  • Качество: Стерео 44.1 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 8.82 GB


Набор фазовых искажений
• Набор из 3 инструментов, вдохновлённый ярко выраженным характером синтеза фазовых искажений
• Более 470 патчей воспроизводят винтажные и современные звуки фазового искажения
• Изучите заводские пресеты или создайте собственные звуки с помощью необработанных волновых форм
For us at UVI the CZ series from Casio is a longstanding favorite. When we approached the Cameo project we wanted to do something special that not only highlights the amazing sounds of these classic synths but that offers something new to our fellow CZ aficionados.

We began with a number of fully-serviced classics, including the Casio CZ1, CZ101, CZ1000, CZ2300S, CZ3000 and CZ5000, and ended up with 3 instruments—each with a different approach, unique sonic character and inspiration.

Cameo CZ
Cameo CZ incorporates a huge library of custom patches designed on the original hardware. An exposition of the rich diversity of timbres possible through phase distortion synthesis, sounds range from complex digital tones to thick and remarkably analog-sounding basses and leads. Cameo CZ provides an incredibly deep sample library, including variations with and without the unique chorus effect of the flagship CZ1.

Cameo CX
Cameo CX is a dual-layer instrument with a large catalog of sounds and raw waveforms captured directly from the hardware instruments. Utilizing the raw waves as the basis for sound design within a modern digital environment allows a wide variety of tones covering everything from vintage-inspired to modern digital bliss. Explore the factory presets or design your own sounds from scratch with the raw waveforms.

Cameo CM
Cameo CM reflects our own perspective on the phase distortion sound. Another dual-layer instrument, but this time utilizing the wavetable oscillator and DSP shaping tools from Falcon. Cameo CM isn't sample-based in the sense of the CZ and CX, rather it utilizes a hybrid approach designed to create wholly new and unique sounds with the capable architecture of the UVI Engine. Explore a range of high-quality presets or design your own sounds with a full complement of synthesis tools and built-in effects.
Whether you're a fan of classic '80s synth sounds, a phase distortion buff, or just looking to expand your palette of go-to sounds, Cameo delivers a treasure of new and delightful tones with the unmistakable character of some of our favorite synths.

✔️ Установка
1. Файл саундбанка с расширением .UFS может располагаться в любой директории
2. Каждый саундбанк имеет свой ключ с расширением .R2RUVI. Его необходимо скопировать в директорию %ProgramData%\UVI\R2R\
3. Открыв Falcon, нажмите Ctrl+P, в появившемся меню перейдите во вкладку SoundBanks
4. Нажмите на кнопку с многоточием напротив строки Click ... to add a new Soundbank folder location и укажите путь к файлу(-ам) с расширением .UFS
5. Закройте меню и перезапустите Falcon. В файловом браузере, находящемся в правой части интерфейса, в меню Soundbanks появится установленный саундбанк(-и)


Загрузок: 15

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