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UVI Meteor 1.1.5 (UVI Workstation, Falcon)

  • Издатель: UVI
  • Формат: Soundbank (UVI Workstation 2.6.15+, Falcon 1.4.1+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 6.13 GB


Саунд-дизайн плавных переходов и столкновений
• Создавайте насыщенные и захватывающие кинематографические звуковые эффекты для фильмов, игр, музыки и многого другого
• 7-ми слойная архитектура с полностью настраиваемыми звуками, модуляцией и эффектами
• Обширная библиотека с эксклюзивными полевыми записями, искусственными шумовыми эффектами, оркестровыми и синтетическими звуками
Designed for and by composers, sound designers and musicians, Meteor is a creative tool that delivers rich and layered swells, dramatic crescendos, and powerful impacts. Outfit 7 sample layers with a massive collection of sounds from field recordings and effects to exclusive orchestral sessions directed specifically for Meteor. Intuitively mix, modulate and apply high-quality effects to polish and perfect your sounds, then perform them synced to the action or musically with polyphony and velocity support. Meteor provides a deep feature set complemented with a fast and intuitive workflow, yielding everything from futuristic builds and surgical impacts to rich and emotive musical environments.
Meteor's interface was designed for efficiency, providing the appropriate level-of-detail for the task at hand. Looking for inspiration? Load it up, set the desired rise and impact times, quickly audition presets or click the randomizer for an endless supply of unique configurations, then crank the Thrust knob to take your sound to the next level. Want to customize your sound or prefer building them from the ground up? Click the 'Settings' button for detailed controls, design each layer with a huge selection of sounds and controls, then finalize it with modulations and bus effects.
If you want to use Meteor as an instrument in your music, turn off "Hold" and play the sounds with full control over pitch, velocity and timing.
At a high-level Meteor is a 7-track sample player divided into 2 sections, with 3 layers dedicated to rise sounds and 4 layers dedicated to impacts. Each layer offers both general track controls including volume, pan, bypass, mute, solo and effect sends for reverb and delay, as well as controls specific to the layer type. Rise tracks each include a customizable velocity curve, volume and pitch modulation, multi-mode distortion and a multi-mode filter. Impact tracks each include time offset, transient and tail length, multi-mode distortion, multi-mode filter, pitch glide and an IRCAM Granular mode.

Both the Rise and Impact groups have track locks allowing you to make changes to individual tracks or all tracks simultaneously, along with bypass, octave switch and randomize/undo functions. Rise time can be set in either free or beat-sync modes and can be locked to maintain your timing while browsing presets. Impact timing defaults to the end of the rise sound, but can be offset forwards or backwards to play in sync, delayed or anywhere in-between - combined with individual layer offsets this allows for the creation of varied and complex sequences.

Subtle-to-wild motion can be added to your sounds by way of an LFO, Multi-Step Filter and Multi-Step Panner, each able to target the Rise and Impact groups individually or together. Stereo bus effects include a high-quality 3-band EQ with low-pass filter, convolution reverb, delay, width and a unique compression/enhancer effect called 'THRUST', providing a powerful one-knob control of the overall intensity of your sounds.
Руководство (PDF) | Другие продукты UVI

✔️ Установка
1. Файл саундбанка с расширением .UFS может располагаться в любой директории
2. Каждый саундбанк имеет свой ключ с расширением .R2RUVI. Его необходимо скопировать в директорию %ProgramData%\UVI\R2R\
3. Открыв Falcon, нажмите Ctrl+P, в появившемся меню перейдите во вкладку SoundBanks
4. Нажмите на кнопку с многоточием напротив строки Click ... to add a new Soundbank folder location и укажите путь к файлу(-ам) с расширением .UFS
5. Закройте меню и перезапустите Falcon. В файловом браузере, находящемся в правой части интерфейса, в меню Soundbanks появится установленный саундбанк(-и)


Загрузок: 18

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