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Heavyocity FORZO Modern Brass (KONTAKT)

  • Издатель: Heavyocity
  • Формат: KONTAKT
  • Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
  • Размер: 14.77 GB


«Если вы не готовы рисковать необычным, вам придется согласиться на обычное». -Джим Рон От Джона Уильямса до Ганса Циммера оркестровая медь была источником силы и могущества в современную эпоху озвучивания фильмов. FORZO: Modern Brass от Heavyocity был создан в этом образе. Записанный на легендарном Skywalker Sound, FORZO является продуктом команды звукорежиссеров мирового класса Heavyocity, объединяющей усилия с отмеченным наградами композитором Джейсоном Грейвсом и выдающимся инженером по голливудским фильмам Сатоши Марком Ногучи. Эта команда мечты вошла в священные залы Скайуокера с одной целью: создать новый эталон для оркестрового духового оркестра.

Kontakt 5 (Player) ver 5.8 or later
Komplete Kontrol integrated (NKS-ready)

Дополнительная информация
Beyond Ordinary
Amassing an epic ensemble of world-class brass players was the first step in bringing this monster to life; FORZO's 12 French horns, four trumpets, eight trombones (tenor, bass, & contra bass), and two tubas deliver 25 GB of sheer brass virtual instrument power straight into the hands of the cinematic composer. Creative articulations like cluster bends and random flutters flex these sections' muscles in a way that you just haven't heard before. And when you want to truly harness this explosive brass virtual instrument, FORZO's Full Ensemble NKI puts the entire 26-piece brass orchestra (playing at the same time, in the same room) at your fingertips. You've heard brass, but not like this. FORZO: Modern Brass is truly beyond ordinary.

Skywalker Sound
Where does a composer go to get premier-level sound? They go to a world-renowned soundstage. And the main soundstage at Skywalker Sound is just that. It's where cutting-edge films like Clint Mansel's The Fountain, and classic games like Jason Graves' Dead Space 2 & Steve Jablonsky's Gears of War's scores were recorded. This is FORZO: the sound of virtuoso players performing in a room where Hollywood's finest films were scored. This epic soundstage is a living, breathing instrument in and of itself, surrounding the brass with an organic warmth that can't be recreated with plugins or algorithms. The team at Heavyocity traveled across the country to record in this iconic room, and now they're sharing these inspiring sounds with you.

Until FORZO, there has never been an orchestral brass virtual instrument that delivers three cutting-edge brass engines in one: a bombastic Traditional brass engine with over 100 meticulously-recorded articulations, a dynamic Hybrid Cinematic engine for a music-meets-sound design approach, and an instantly inspirational Loop Designer, with over 400 tempo-synced brass loops. Whether you're writing declarative horn motifs, unnerving hybrid underscore, or looking for a powerful loop to kick-start your composition, FORZO Modern Brass is the virtual instrument you'll keep reaching for.

Superior Sound Design
Would this even be a Heavyocity instrument without a healthy dose of sound design? Whether it be their proprietary in-house processing techniques, or sourced from the powerful FORZO Modern Brass engine itself, the sound design team at Heavyocity is unparalleled in the industry. Armed with a 26-piece brass orchestra, the Heavyocity team was able to transform these bombastic sound sources into a visceral hybrid orchestra, filled with a sonic energy unparalleled amongst other orchestral brass virtual instruments.

Dream Team
Heavyocity develops virtual instruments that are by composers, for composers...and FORZO Modern Brass is no exception. And what better way to create an instrument for composers than by teaming up with a prolific, award-winning Composer, and an acclaimed Film Score Mixer. Jason Graves (Dead Space, Tomb Raider, Far Cry Primal) and Satoshi Mark Noguchi (Lion, Midnight Special, Lone Survivor) took the Heavyocity team's vision, and helped to execute a vast orchestral brass virtual instrument that is inspiring to work with, and brings Skywalker Sound's iconic pedigree to your score.

25 GB uncompressed (16 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
Available as direct download only
11,475 Samples
237 Snapshot Presets
57 NKAs
107 Articulations
432 Tempo-Synced Loops
9 NKIs
5 Traditional Sections: French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones (Tenor, Bass, Contra Bass), Tubas, Full 26-piece Ensemble
Hybrid Brass Designer
Brass Loop Designer
Intuitive Sample Browser
CYCLE page for advanced granular & rhythmic playback
MACRO knob for dynamic multi-parameter control
Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX

Powered by the Kontakt 5 Engine
Kontakt 5 (Player) ver 5.8 or later
Komplete Kontrol integrated (NKS-ready)
Minimum System Requirements
Mac: OS OS X 10.11, macOS 10.12 or 10.13 (latest update), i5, 4 GB RAM
PC: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 2 GB RAM
An Internet connection and a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.
4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments


Загрузок: 21

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