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Toontrack EZbass 1.3.0 Update STANDALONE, VSTi, VSTi3, AAX* x64

  • Год | Дата релиза: 2025
  • Версия: 1.3.0
  • Разработчик: Toontrack
  • Формат | Тип: STANDALONE, VSTi, VSTi3, AAX*
  • Разрядность: 64bit
  • Таблетка: вылечено (Team V.R)
  • Системные требования:
    ☑ 5 GB of free hard disk space
    ☑ 64-bit Windows 7 or newer, 4 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or more recommended)
  • Размер: 43.3 MB


EZbass – это виртуальный басовый инструмент с отличным звучанием и фундаментальными функциями, позволяющими легко добавлять бас-гитару в свои треки. Инструмент обещает тот же уровень удобства и гибкости работы, а также качественного звука и реализма, присущий всей линейке EZline. Виртуальный басист совмещает работу с MIDI с продвинутыми навыками написания басовых партий в различных стилях музыки.
Библиотеки сэмплов поддерживают различные артикуляции, среди которых легато, вибрато, слайды, хаммеры и пулы, флажолеты и другие приёмы звукоизвлечения. В EZbass встроена секция эффектов, состоящая из эмуляций басовых усилителей и кабинетов, а также педалей эффектов и рэковых обработок.
Также существует обширная библиотека грувов. Все MIDI-партии записаны с высочайшим вниманием к нюансам исполнения. Грувы разделены по стилям, при этом движок библиотеки адаптирует грувы под тональность проекта.
Установка возможна на «чистую» систему, либо поверх ранее установленной версии.

Отдельная благодарность: Team V.R

Что нового?
Release notes for EZbass 1.3.0


Minimum OS requirements have been raised to macOS 10.13 and Windows 10.
High-resolution graphics have been added for most GUI elements.
Added support for recorded palm mutes in new EBX libraries – key switch C0.
“50%” has been added to the available GUI scales.
The buttons for Next and Previous sound library preset will no longer switch from a standard library preset to a User Preset (which can be using a different library) or vice versa.

Song Track

Importing MIDI now shows a dialog with various options, for example whether to import tempo and time signature and how the MIDI should be transposed.

Bass Tab

The live chord display will now show if an incoming articulation (key switch) is unavailable in the current library.
Mouse wheel step sizes have been changed for the knobs in Effects (though this does not affect “smooth mouse wheels,” such as trackpads). If Shift is pressed, the step/change will be smaller.

Grooves Tab

Clicking a filter row that is the only one selected in that column/section will now deselect it (instead of doing nothing).
Clicking a library that is the only one selected will now deselect it, unless a subfolder (or several) is also selected, in which case the subfolder(s) will get deselected instead.

Grid Editor

“Extend to Next Note” has been added to the Note menu and the note context menu.
“Remove Overlaps and Silence” has been renamed to “Extend to Next Note and Remove Overlaps” and has got a keyboard shortcut.
“Remove Overlaps” now has a keyboard shortcut.
“Add Damping” and “Remove Damping” have been added to the Note menu.
Alt-dragging the left edge of a note now also moves the end time of a previous note, if both notes are selected, keeping the gap between the notes constant.
It is now possible to resize a note even with the Split tool.
Multiple selected notes can now be split at once with the Split tool.
Articulations that are unavailable in the current sound library are now in a separate submenu.

Audio Tracker

An articulation that is unavailable in the current sound library is now shown as such on its lane and in the menu.


A “Libraries/Paths” tab has been added, so that the sound/MIDI library path (as well as the preset path) can be changed.


The Grooves filters and search results are now fully accessible to screen readers.


On Mac, deleting a plug-in or the standalone from disk and running the software installer will no longer exclude it from installation by default, i.e., will not deselect it on the Customize page. To stop installing a certain plug-in format that was installed earlier (so that you don’t have to deselect it on the Customize page every time you install an update), you will now need to run the uninstaller first, then deselect the format in the installer – it will then be remembered for next time.



Undoing a library change as part of undoing multiple steps at once (through the history menu) no longer causes a freeze.
Clicking the arrow buttons for next/previous preset did not show any “Preparing” screen.
The asterisk next to the preset name (indicating a modification) was incorrectly removed by “Rescan User Presets” and some other menu commands.
MIDI Learn presets were neither saved nor loaded.
Using MIDI Out from AU did not work well for key switches in some cases.
On Mac in scales other than 100%, text did not have exactly the intended width (kerning), in some cases causing for example button texts to not fit.
In Pro Tools, setting a new default project in EZbass and adding a new instance (in the same session) would not use the new default project.

Sound Engine

Slap slides did not work properly – they were played using the wrong sound.
When sliding using the slide key switch, slides that spanned 11 semitones would sometimes play the wrong end note.
Vibrato curves and mod wheel should no longer affect slides and cause sound glitches.
The slide scratch sound would be pitched down too far when a slide idled. The scratching now stops when the slide idles and starts over on the next note/fret event.
Automatically transposed slides (or parts of slides) could result in hanging notes.
In the VST 3 in some hosts, starting playback at the beginning of the host track could cause a short burst of noise.

Song Track

Slides in imported MIDI (played on a keyboard, for example) were in some cases not represented/played correctly in EZbass.
When sustain pedal is recorded, the current value is now added as a node before a new one is added.
Exporting MIDI with 2 ghost notes ringing at the same time would only export one of them as ghost note.
Undo events were incorrectly created for starting and stopping the song track.

Edit Play Style

The wrong number would in some cases be shown on the Amount knob, for example it could go from +5 to 0 instead of to +6.

Bass Tab

Effect knob movements (parameter automation curves) are now possible/easier to record in DAWs using Touch or Latch mode.

Grooves Tab

Arrow keys can now be used to navigate folders as intended, because focus is no longer automatically moved to the result view when a search finishes.
The list of suggestions under the text search field no longer gets reversed for each letter typed.
Selecting a different groove during playback now correctly applies any previous CC values set in the new groove.

Grid Editor

Slides between notes at the same time could lead to crashes. Such slides can no longer be created.
Copying a muted note using alt/ctrl-drag would unmute the original note.
In CC and Pitch editors, tooltips would stop working after mouse press on a node with a tooltip (until the mouse was moved out from the view).
When the grid editor is detached, the chord correction dialog now properly opens in the grid editor window instead of in the main window.
Merging notes where the last one was a slide would remove the slide.
Splitting the initial note of a slide now makes the slide start from the second part of that note instead of from the first part.
Changing the velocity of a note being part of a slide would make the slide line disappear.
Dragging a slide note down could leave an orange trail behind in the grid.
Some issues with “Remove Vibrato” in the Note menu have been fixed.

Drums & Keys Tab

The option to play “percussive mute” bass notes on snare hits did not work well if kick and snare hits were close together.
The state of this tab was not properly preserved in projects.

Audio Tracker

Inadvertent scrolling could happen whenever a note in the tracker grid was edited, if the GUI scale had been changed after the audio analysis was done.
The tracker can now handle stereo input better (by merging the channels to mono).


On the MIDI Input page, the “Allow Program Change” button didn’t show the correct state (it was always off), also it was not reset by “Reset All.”
Mouse wheel did not work on the metronome level sliders.


On Mac, improved accessibility for editable labels (when they don’t have focus), so that VoiceOver says the text and the element title instead of just “edit text.”
Using the main tab buttons no longer moves keyboard focus to the opened view. Keyboard events are forwarded to the main view of the opened tab.

Как добавить дополнительные библиотеки?
Копируем папку с библиотекой (EZB-название библиотеки) в директорию, где находятся заводские библиотеки EZbass.
Путь по умолчанию (для пользователей Windows): C:\ProgramData\Toontrack\EZBass\
Путь по умолчанию (для пользователей Mac): Library > Application Support > EZbass


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