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Native Instruments - Kontakt 7 v7.1.3 Mac [MORiA] 14.12.2022 STANDALONE | AUi | VST3i [Intel/Apple] [K-ed]

  • Год | Дата релиза: 14.12.2022
  • Версия: 7.1.3 Mac
  • Разработчик: Native Instruments
  • Платформа: Intel/Apple Silicon Universal
  • Разрядность: 64-bit
  • Язык интерфейса: английский
  • Таблетка: Программа пролечена (не требует введения данных)
  • Системные требования:
    • Intel Macs (i5 or higher): macOS 10.15, 11 or 12 (latest update)
    • Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 11 or 12 (latest update)
  • Размер: 799.3 MB


В течение 20 лет KONTAKT был основой бесчисленных саундтреков к фильмам и поп-хитов, а также тысяч невероятных инструментов от NI и ваших любимых разработчиков NKS. Теперь, с новым интерфейсом просмотра HiDPI, обновленной заводской библиотекой, новыми творческими эффектами и внутренними улучшениями звука, следующая эволюция уже почти наступила.

✔️ Доп. информация:
• требуется уже установленый контакт версии 7.0.11
• Version 7.1.3

7.1.3 _ 2022-12-12
• New filters, purge all instances, browser features, KSP commands, bug fixes.
• ADDED Purge all instances when Kontakt 7 is running as a plug-in
• ADDED 6 pole state variable (SV) filters
• ADDED Tone Machine and Time Machine 1 Smooth parameter modulation
• ADDED Reveal sample location via Mapping Editor edit menu and Wave Editor command menu (cog)
• IMPROVED Maximum number of host automation slots increased to 1024
• IMPROVED Flex envelope slope can now be modulated for the first 8 segments, and includes Loop and Oneshot parameters
• IMPROVED Online KSP documentation can be directly accessed through the help menu
• FIXED Right click to open Quick-Load not working
• FIXED DAW key commands intercepted by Kontakt when running as a plug-in
• FIXED Notes would auto repeat when holding a key when using QWERTY as virtual keyboard
• FIXED Temporarily black performance view when loading Kontakt Factory Library 2 instruments
• FIXED Plug-in window would not re-open after being closed in Renoise with Kontakt VST3
• FIXED Crash using Quick-Load with a large number of entries. Number of visible entries has been reduced to 5000 as a consequence
• FIXED Voices would hang with certain effects placed post amp
• FIXED Time Machine Pro Legato would get out of sync when playing loops
• FIXED Cabinet effect in Output section would cut off the sound
• FIXED Excessive smoothing on group Tune parameter in wavetable mode
• FIXED "Restore loops from samples" option in Wave Editor not working when using the same sample repeatedly
• FIXED Auto-mapping using the "Make group name" token did not work properly
• FIXED Pasting a group without samples would paste with samples, and pasting groups with samples was not refreshing the Mapping Editor
• FIXED Loops 2-8 were not working in MP60, S1200 and TMPro modes
• ADDED Presets list now displays and sorts Instruments, Multis and Snapshots by their file type
• ADDED Reset Browser filter state
• ADDED Import multiple Custom Libraries in bulk
• ADDED Customize name of imported Custom Libraries (using the Alias field)
• ADDED Error messages for failed Library import
• IMPROVED Tooltips display full text for Import Dialogue Folder path and Alias field, as well as Library tiles, in case when the text was truncated
• FIXED Resized components are now correctly displayed when the Preset list is dragged horizontally
• ADDED Convolution Auto Gain can now be accessed via KSP with $ENGINE_PAR_IRC_AUTO_GAIN
• ADDED Time Machine Legato button can now be accessed via KSP with $ENGINE_PAR_TM_LEGATO
• ADDED get_zone_id() translates the zone index to the zone ID
• ADDED XY Pad cursor values can now be set and retrieved with set_control_par_real_arr() and get_control_par_real_arr()
• ADDED New commands get_group_idx() , get_mod_idx(), get_target_idx(), deprecating the usage of find_group(), find_mod() and find_target(). These commands return $NI_NOT_FOUND when the queried object is not found
• ADDED Additional math functions and logic commands: cbrt(), log2(), log10(), exp2(), signbit(), sgn(), bitwise .xor., boolean xor
• ADDED Zone BPM can now be set and retrieved with $ZONE_PAR_BPM zone parameter
• ADDED Zone sample rate can now be retrieved with $ZONE_PAR_SAMPLE_RATE zone parameter
• ADDED Zone state can now be determined with get_zone_status() command which returns $NI_ZONE_STATUS_EMPTY, $NI_ZONE_STATUS_LOADED, $NI_ZONE_STATUS_PURGED, $NI_ZONE_STATUS_IGNORED and deprecates the usage of is_zone_empty()
• IMPROVED From Script modulator can now have its value set without internal range clamping by using $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_EX_ID
• IMPROVED Zone parameters can now be set with KSP for all zones when using snapshot modes 2 and 3
• IMPROVED Modulo operation now also works with real numbers
• IMPROVED Added real() and int() value conversion commands, deprecating int_to_real() and real_to_int()
• IMPROVED Zone settings were not taken into account when using change_vol and change_pan, introduced mode 2
• FIXED Crash with output_channel_name() when channel count is zero
• FIXED Incorrect warning messages were displayed for any zone related commands
• FIXED $MARK_28 is no longer used by the internal sustain pedal script


  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи проверено на работоспособность.


Загрузок: 19

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