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Toontrack Beatstation 1.0.2 VSTi.AU.RTAS WIN.OSX x86 x64 [08.09.2010]

  • Год | Дата релиза: 2010
  • Версия: 1.0.2
  • Разработчик: Toontrack
  • Формат: VSTi.AU.RTAS
  • Разрядность: x86/x64
  • Таблетка: Генератор ключа
  • Системные требования:
    ☑ Windows XP SP3 or newer,
    ☑ Pentium 4 or Athlon processor with 512 MB RAM

    ☑ Mac OS 10.4.11 or higher,
    ☑ G5 or Intel processor with 512 MB RAM
  • Размер: 1.81 GB


Компания Toontrack, известная своими барабанными vst-модулями EZ Drummer и Superior Drummer,
выпустила на рынок новый интересный продукт. Toontrack Beatstation объединил барабаны, бас,
lead-инструменты, поддержку midi и rex-loop файлов.
По словам разработчиков основное предназначение новинки - быстрое и удобное создание новых треков.
В то же время программный продукт дает возможность дальнейшего даведения тончайших нюансов.

Основная библиотека Beatstation разделена на три части:
Lowbit, Synthetix и Organic, где пользователь сможет найти тысячи midi-рисунков,
rex-loop файлы а также огромную коллекцю пресетов с инструментами на любой вкус.
Кстати говоря, в Beatstation также можно использовать библиотеки сэмплов EZ Drummer и Superior Drummer.
Кроме того, разработчики реализовали возможность записи и использования собственных семплов.
Еще из интересного - широкие возможности по настройке пользовательской панели при помощи скинов,
которые можно скачать с сайта посвященного продукту и инструмент по созданию собственных скинов для интерфейса.
Плюс ко всему, Toontrack Beatstation предоставляет весьма широкие возможности для работы с форматом midi.
Объявленная розничная цена релиза - 89€.

New Features

• support for mp3 files in the browser has been added
• skins previously imported can now be removed

Fixed in version 1.0.2

• fixed a bug affecting instruments with pitched and reversed samples
• fixed crash when setting new core content path and then exiting
• unmuting the drum bus should no longer cause noises or artifacts
• when using two monitors on mac it was possible to get the stand alone window below the menu bar making it impossible to be moved further
• some controls no longer had any effect after a sound had been dragged from and to the same pad properties
• the temporary MIDI file that is used when dragging is now written in the correct place and with the correct name
• the sounds recorded with the sample recorder was not saved in instrument presets due to temporary files being located in wrong place on Mac
• export of loop points from sample recorder is now working when left marker is at the start of clip
• looping of grooves effected by the flam control improved
• random instrument selections should now include all BTX-s, even those not previously opened in the browser
• the REX preview file is now unloaded when loading a new project that doesn't contain one
• loading a preset referencing sounds from libraries not present on the system will now be flagged by an alert dialog
• pads referencing sounds in a previous core content location will load from the new location if the path has been repaired
• added error messages when trying to register an EZX or SDX without EZDrummer or Superior registered
• SDX-s paths should now be recognised regardless of the validity of the backup path (if any)
• EZX and SDX presets now only load the drums, no effects or bass or lead
• looping of odd time signatures grooves in the internal player has been improved
• EZDrummer groove remapping within Beatstation is further enhanced
• file types are now filtered out on the different browser tabs
• MIDI files containing an underscore as part of their name can now be traced back in the browser using the magnifying glass
• REX preview files that cannot be found in the browser are now displayed in the Finder/Explorer
• sound files that cannot be found in the browser are now displayed in the Finder/Explorer
• all instrument presets for the BTX-s should now be available from the INSTR tab as well
• custom user paths are now also shown in the Sounds tab
• the right/control click menu is now also available in the Sounds tab
• the right/control click menu no longer allows to remove a folder entry if not in the root of the custom path
• "Removed Folder" has been changed to "Remove Path" in the browser menu
• adjusting the FX level in the pad property window now affects all selected pads as intended
• hiding pads now hides the pad properties and color dialog as well
• CTRL double click to select all pads no longer bring up the pad properties floater
• the minimize/maximize button in the pad properties floater no longer stay lit if clicked in the very outer pixels
• soloing/muting the drum master is now indicated on the pads in the same fashion as soloing the pad itself
• the drum master tab in the pad properties floater does also reflect the state of the drum master solo/mute
• the first user pad layout is no longer checked by default
• scrolling the REX window after having dragged a REX slice should no longer trigger the drag icon on screen
• the instrument name is updated correctly when dragging a REX file to a pad
• the pad properties for Bass and Lead now correctly display the pad name
• selections in the pad shape dialog is ignored for lead and bass pads
• oval medium size pads did not display a note number on launch
• the slice number did not show on the REX slices when using inverted text color scheme
• all text values are followed by '…' when the text is too long to be displayed in full
• the loading animation is now always on top
• residual floater panels are now forcibly removed when another control requires one
• 'emtpy' tooltips are no longer shown on the stacks in the pad properties floater
• some additional tool tips were adjusted
• some web links were adjusted
• misc minor copy protection fixes

Content update

• suitable sounds have loop points defined
• wrong pitches above note 84 corrected for 'MonoMachineD'
• wrong pitches above note 64 corrected for 'Monster Lead'
• sounds for Snare Group Snaps Xtra (Organic BTX) should be less noisy
• some Crash samples in the Lowbit BTX should no longer be offset
• Snare 1 in the Peachtree preset no longer has muted sounds
• Synthetix Lead presets Hidden and Spurt fixed
• Carpenter preset should now load FX1
• misc non operational changes (pad labels, etc)



  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи проверено на работоспособность.


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