RizomUV VS - это полнофункциональное приложение UV развертки, с функциями, превосходящими большинство предложений, представленных в настоящее время на рынке. В то время как его брат, RizomUV RS ((Real Spaces), предназначен для пространства САПР, RizomUV VS (Virtual Spaces) - это приложение UV развертки для индустрии компьютерной графики, от инди-кадров до игр, в которые вы играли, или фильмов, которые вы видели. Сила RizomUV в том, что он создан для скорости рабочего процесса. Его можно развернуть за секунды, упаковать за секунды, оптимизировать за секунды, тем самым сократив часы, которые вы тратите на UV развертку в других приложениях, до минут.
One of the standout updates in RizomUV 2024 is the vastly improved user interface (UI). The software now supports HDPI with variable DPI on all platforms, ensuring no more blurry UI elements. A full UI scaling and zoom setting has been introduced, allowing users to customise their workspace to their preference. The new viewport contextual menu facilitates quick changes to primitive and editing modes, locking, grouping, and tagging, significantly improving workflow efficiency. The decluttered UI, with long-press buttons and more standard dropdown behaviors, makes for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
RizomUV 2024 introduces powerful trimsheet functionalities. Users can now load and export trims layouts using various file formats, including PNG, BMP, TGA, and SVG. Trims can be locked, reshaped, transformed, and tagged, offering unprecedented control over the UV mapping process. The new hotspotting feature allows for precise matching of islands to trims based on area, aspect ratio, tags, and circular shapes. This feature also includes real-time updates, customizable display options, and advanced preprocessing capabilities, making the UV layout process more flexible and efficient.
The transformation capabilities of RizomUV 2024 have been significantly enhanced. New tools for groups, stacks, and trims allow for comprehensive transformations, including fitting, aligning, and distributing UV elements. The universal fit and align tool introduces various matching and snapping options, providing greater precision and ease of use.
The viewport has received numerous improvements, including shortest path functionality for polygons and enhanced snapping options. The new sharpness histogram for edges and the independent luminant texture mode for viewports add to the versatility and power of the UV editing environment.
RizomUV 2024 features a refined auto seams tool that can read polygon geo normal or user vertex normals. The packing process has been optimized with better orientation algorithms and more understandable scale settings. The introduction of density maps impacts island sizing during packing and hotspotting, ensuring a more efficient and organized UV layout.
The new island group panel docker and tagging panel are significant additions, offering better management and customization of islands, groups, stacks, and trims. Users can now change colors, isolate, and hide groups, and create elastic, rigid, and stack groups directly within the software.
Additional features include the RizomUVLink Python modules for versions 3.11 and 3.12, the ability to export island borders in DXF files, and improved export options, including PNG files with transparent backgrounds. The normalize and unnormalize tools, along with tile scaling and offset fields, provide more control over UV transformations.
Overall, RizomUV 2024 is a monumental update that introduces a plethora of new features and improvements, making it an indispensable tool for professionals in the 3D modeling and game development industries. With these enhancements, Rizom-Lab continues to lead the way in UV mapping technology, solidifying its reputation as a pioneer in the field.
✔️ Установка и лечение
Запустите установку файлом RizomUV.2024.1.62.gec808b4d.master.2025-02-27.exe.
После установки замените файл в папке с программой на файл из папки RS с заменой и можете запускаться.
Замечание от раздающего
В раздаче там 2 папки RS и VS на замену. Я так понял что это 2 версии этого продукта Real Space и Virtual Space но чем отличаются - не знаю это вопрос к профи я тут нуль вообще. Применяем нужный файл и смотрим. Я сначала применил один потом другой но разницы не увидел. Если кто знает напишите в комментариях.