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Steinberg Cubase Pro 12.0.60 x64 Team V.R [30.03.2023]

  • Год | Дата релиза: 30.03.2023
  • Версия:
  • Разработчик: Steinberg
  • Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и прочие
  • Разрядность: 64bit
  • Таблетка: Присутствует (Team V.R)
  • Системные требования:
    • Windows 10 64-bit Version 21H2 (or higher)
    • Windows 11 64-bit Version 21H2 (or higher)
    • Windows 7 и 8 - Не поддерживаются (Cubase не установится на эти версии Windows)
    • CPU minimum: Intel® Core™ i5 (4th Generation) or AMD Ryzen™
    • CPU cores: 4 or more
    • RAM minimum: 8Gb
    • Display resolution minimum at 100% UI scaling: 1440 x 900
    • Graphics minimum: Graphics card with native Windows 10 support
    • Graphics recommended: AMD R or RX series and later or NVIDIA Series 700 and later
    • Graphics (GPU memory): 4 GB or higher for 4k displays
  • Размер: 700 MB


Создавать, микшировать, записывать музыку очень удобно при помощи звуковой рабочей станции Steinberg Cubase. Богатый выбор виртуальных инструментов, использование передовых технологий и обширная аудиотека из готовых элементов для оформления саундтреков превращают работу по звукозаписи в творческий процесс, обеспечивающий реализацию замыслов любой сложности и гарантирующий результаты высокого качества. Cubase содержит все необходимые инструменты разработки, микширования и записи звуковых композиций начинающими специалистами, также применима для домашнего использования.
1. Установить Steinberg Library Manager 3.2.20.exe
2. Установить Cubase Pro
3. Установить Activation Manager Unlocker b5.exe
We have improved the following features and functionalities:

Audio Extensions
We resolved an issue when bouncing tracks with audio extensions on tracks applied.
The reference track is now visible in SynchroArts Revoice when used as an audio extension.
Undo and redo operations are not applied correctly in Melodyne extensions.
The Antares Auto Tune extension will now open automatically in a separate window instead of the lower zone.

We improved the latency compensation when exporting audio in projects with external hardware routings.
We have improved the performance when using “Export Selected Tracks“ or „Import Track Archive“ in projects containing a large number of hitpoints.
Exported Broadcast Wave files now contain the correct channel description iXML metadata.
Surround channels are now exported correctly when using Anymix Pro for upmixing for all supported buffer sizes.

MIDI Remote
We have added a new MIDI Remote factory script for the HXW Avatar EMK-25 MIDI keyboard.
The MIDI Remote API documentation is now available online via Github.
Focus Quick Controls now continue to work for plug-ins which have been moved to another channel.
The MIDI Remote Surface Editor now supports multiple 14 bit/14 bit NRPN controls with different CC numbers.
We have resolved an issue where specific OS language settings could lead to parameter mappings shown as "Missing" in the Mapping Assistant when using the context menu function "Pick for MIDI Remote Mapping" in the plug-in interface.
Changing mappings in the Mapping Assistant now works as expected in the mappings list.
We resolved an issue where the setup of a Mixer Bank Zone involving multiple MIDI remote devices lead to lost parameter assignments.

Recording over existing MIDI parts in Linear/Replace mode and active Pre-Roll no longer plays the first note event.
Short MIDI parts can be now properly selected after recording.
Audio objects are now still connected to the Renderer for Dolby Atmos after re-assigning their source tracks.
When starting the application for the first time on macOS systems, the built-in audio device is now selected automatically.
We resolved an issue where the Edit menu could not been accessed when "Rename First Selected Track" was added in a macro command.
Quick Controls now continue to work when plug-ins are loaded by FX Chain preset.
Quick Controls now work as expected on duplicated tracks.
The octave parameter value range in the Pitch section of the Sampler Control is now set to +/-5.
Due to technical reasons the "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" MIDI Port provided by the operating system is no longer listed in the MIDI Port section of the Studio Setup and cannot be selected as MIDI output for tracks anymore. In case the "Missing Ports" window appears when loading projects, consider to re-map this port to another one.

We resolved an issue in REVerence with locating impulse response files.
We resolved an issue with MixConvert settings not being stored with the project.
We resolved an issue with Tube Compressor creating noise when being rendered including the full signal path.

We have improved the stability and performance in the following use cases:
When entering specific special characters in the marker window.
When selecting an Embody Immerse profile in the AmbiDecoder plug-in running natively on Apple silicon computers.
When using the Anymix Pro panner in projects with a 96 kHz sample rate.
When using Antares Auto Tune 10 as an ARA extension.
When exporting audio in projects with SuperVision used in the Control Room.
When changing VariAudio parameters on shared copies of Audio Events.


  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи прошло проверку на работоспособность.


Загрузок: 13

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