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V-Ray 6.00.00 for SketchUp 17 - 23 x64 [Oct 04, 2022, ENG]

  • Год / Дата релиза: Oct 04, 2022
  • Версия: 6.00.00
  • Разработчик: Chaos Group
  • Разрядность: 64bit
  • Язык интерфейса: Английский
  • Таблетка: присутствует
  • Системные требования:
    ☑ Processor - 1st Gen Intel® Core™ or compatible processor with SSE4.2 support (x64)
    ☑ RAM - Minimum 8 GB RAM, recommended 16 GB RAM
    ☑ Hard Disk Space - minimum 2GB, recommended 12GB (includes additional downloadable content)
    ☑ TCP/IP - Only IPv4 is supported. IPv6 is currently not supported
    ☑ Operating System - Windows® 8.1, Windows 10.
    ☑ SketchUp - SketchUp 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
    ☑ GPU Support - Maxwell-, Pascal-, Volta- and Turing-based NVIDIA card(s) with latest video driver or at least version 411.31
    ☑ For more info, see GPU Rendering.
    ☑ V-Ray Vision requires a Graphic card with DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 and Shader Model 5.0 capabilities.
  • Размер: 890.6 MB


Прост в обучении, прост в применении. V-Ray для SketchUp и V-Ray для SketchUp Pro позволяет приступить к работе в максимально короткие сроки.

V-Ray позволяет выполнять рендеринг максимально высокого качества, причем непосредственно в SketchUp.

Используя V-Ray, Вы сможете выполнять рендеринг любых сцен — от эскизных моделей до самых детализированных 3D-сцен.

Быстрый рендеринг помогает быстрее выполнять проекты. Меньше времени на ожидание — больше времени для творчества.

Сосредоточьтесь на дизайне и используйте полный набор средств управления освещением, шейдерами и рендерингом.

92 из 100 ведущих архитектурных бюро мира используют V-Ray в повседневной работе.
Доп. информация:
Теперь с V-Ray Vision вы можете визуализировать свои проекты в реальном времени, работая в SketchUp. Перемещайтесь по модели, применяйте материалы, настраивайте источники света и камеры - и все это в режиме реального времени для вашей сцены.
Не ограничивайтесь рендерингом. V-Ray 5 для SketchUp позволяет делать в рендеринге больше, чем когда-либо прежде. Визуализируйте свои проекты в реальном времени с V-Ray Vision *. Освещайте сцены автоматически с помощью Light Gen. Мгновенно обновляйте рендеры с помощью Light Mix. И настраивайте, и завершайте свои изображения без отдельного приложения.

Отрегулируйте освещение в вашей сцене даже после рендеринга. С помощью Light Mix после рендеринга сцены вы можете интерактивно настроить яркость и цвет любого источника света без необходимости повторного рендеринга.

Благодаря встроенному композитингу вы можете делать цветокоррекцию, комбинировать элементы рендеринга и сохранять их как пресеты для использования в будущем – и все это без необходимости других приложений.

Обновленная библиотека материалов позволяет удаленно загружать более 500 готовых к рендерингу текстур и материалов с высоким разрешением, включая металлы, стекло, дерево и многое другое.

Release Notes
Build 6.00.00

Date - Oct 04, 2022

Enscape Compatibility
Enscape compatibility. Scenes set up using Enscape will now render in V-Ray. Materials, lights and even the Enscape assets will be automatically handled by V-Ray providing a great starting point when transitioning from the Enscape design stage to the high-end visualization in V-Ray
A global Enscape Compatibility toggle is implemented. It disables the special handling for Enscape materials, assets and lights
* Note that Enscape assets provided by 3D PEOPLE are currently not supported

Resumable Rendering implemented. Incomplete renders can now be resumed where they left off from the previous session. Ensure that an output image path is specified to take advantage of the feature
The interactive rendering workflow is updated. The Interactive UI toggle is removed and the production render settings remain visible at all times. Interactive rendering is enabled by using the Render Interactive button on the toolbar, the one in the asset editor or in the VFB
Interactive Parameters rollout added to the Advanced Settings/Render Parameters section. A few parameters specific to interactive rendering can be changed there. One example is the Interactivity slider, another the toggle for Interactive Light Cache
Interactive Light cache implemented. Toggle the 'Advanced Settings/Interactive Parameters/Allow Interactive LC' option and ensure that Light Cache is selected as a secondary GI engine to use it. When enabled the Automatic Exposure, Automatic White Balance and Adaptive Lights features will work in interactive sessions
All rendering-related icons on the toolbar and in the Asset Editor are updated
Unified Login
Chaos Unified Login implemented. This is a system that ensures a single Chaos login enables all Chaos products, services and product features that require authentication

Cloud Collaboration
Chaos Cloud Collaboration implemented. This is an image-sharing platform available for free for all V-Ray users. Use the shortcuts in the VFB for a quick image upload. Note that the platform is still in beta

Cosmos is updated to its latest version
Cosmos is the new central and only remote assets provider. The legacy remote contents downloader is deprecated and is no longer part of V-Ray
Material Library in Cosmos. The built-in V-Ray material library is no longer available in the Asset Editor. Use Cosmos to browse and import preset materials in your project. Note that the vrmat library panel will remain as part of the Asset Editor mainly for managing custom asset libraries
A shortcut that opens the V-Ray Material Library in Cosmos is now available in the left fly off pane of the Asset Editor. Select the default Materials entry to see it in the contents pane
The logic used for importing Cosmos materials is improved in numerous ways to accommodate the new library workflow
Light Gen environments from Cosmos. Light Gen no longer uses a proprietary system for downloading its HDR environments and instead gets the images from Cosmos. Note that saving and loading .lightset files is temporarily disabled
Cosmos assets are now automatically selected after import
The Cosmos browser is automatically reopened after an asset is placed in the project and the SketchUp tool is changed

Procedural Clouds
Procedural clouds can now be enabled in the V-Ray Sky. Select the Sun Light in the project to change the clouds parameters
Dynamic Clouds implemented. Enable the option in the sunlight parameters and the clouds will automatically move when the time of day changes. Use the Wind Speed, Direction as well as the Phase Velocity parameters to control the movement

V-Ray Enmesh Implemented. Apply the Enmesh modifier to an object and then pick an item to cover the object’s surface forming a 3D pattern. Note that the base object's UV texture coordinates determine the items positioning

Asset Tagging
A new Tags system used for grouping the scene assets in the Asset Editor is implemented. Use the tags to organize and work more efficiently in complex projects
Tag entry added to the assets context menu in the Outliner. Use it to create new tags, change the asset’s tag assignment or add multiple assets to a tag all at once
Tag assignment via a drag and drop of an asset is implemented. Note that only a single asset can be added to a tag this way

Camera Clipping
Camera Clipping options added to the Advanced Camera Parameters rollout. Use the feature to clip nearby objects in tight spaces

Material and Texture Improvements
Distance Texture implemented. The texture outputs color values based on object proximity and can be utilized for restricting Fur generation or even be used as a displacement map
Dirt texture Exclude and Affected By options implemented. Exclude objects from the dirt effect or make sure they are ignored when calculating the proximity
GTR energy compensation is enabled for all V-Ray Materials. The option ensures more accurate reflection values for most blurry reflective materials using the Microfacet GTR (GGX) BRDF model
Thin Film parameters added to the V-Ray Material. Toggle the advanced parameters to see the Thin Film rollout
Car Paint 2 material implemented. It replaces the legacy Car Paint in the UI and comes with an improved flakes and coating layers
The rendered appearance as well as the UI of V-Ray Materials using the SSS Translucency are improved
The Bitmap texture’s parameter previously known as Color Space is now correctly renamed to Transfer Function. It determines the gamma correction curve applied to the bitmap
Automatic Transfer Function mode added to the Bitmap texture. It automatically determines the color transfer function. If a bitmap file name contains the suffix ‘_srgb’ the transfer function is sRGB. If a bitmap file name contains the suffixes‘_lin_srgb’ or ‘raw’, no correction is applied. For bitmap files with 8 bits per color component and 3 or 4 color components (like png, jpg and other), the transfer function is set to sRGB. In all other cases, no correction is applied
Mix Amount parameter is added to the Mix (Operator) texture. It specifies the degree to which the two input textures are blended
The slider precision for the Reflection Glossiness, Metalness and refraction Glossiness parameters of the VRay Mtl is increased
Local Space Bump mode is added to all materials that support bump mapping. Enable it to measure bump amount in local texture space instead of in world units. This mode was previously called Bump Texture Channel and should be selected when an Edges texture is applied for a Round Edges effect
Special handling for rotated normal maps is implemented. Normal maps rotated manually or by the UVW Placement randomization feature no longer render inverted
The upper limit of the Intensity parameter of Emissive materials is removed

Color Management
ACEScg color space management implemented. Select the ACEScg RGB Primaries in the color management settings to ensure that V-Ray is rendering in the new color space. Most standard RGB bitmap textures should use the sRGB Primaries option in this workflow
ACEScg color space support is added to the Color Picker

Finite Dome Light
Finite Dome parameters added to the Dome light source. It limits the size of the Dome shape and introduces a ground projection that can be adjusted using the Projection Height and Ground Blend parameters

Assets Preview Swatch
Live preview for Decals implemented
Sphere swatch preview scene added for material assets. The preview is similar to the one used in Cosmos
The automatic texture resize is disabled for the GPU asset preview. The material swatch no longer lacks details and appears blurry
The Environment textures’ preview no longer appears incorrect when the GPU mode is enabled
The V-Ray typography of the Generic material preview is updated to match the current company branding

Panorama viewer implemented. Use the Panorama View toggle in the View menu to enable the new mode. Looking around in this view is done by holding the middle mouse button and moving the mouse. The field of view can be altered by scrolling
Proportion Guides layer implemented to help you with the frame composition
Batch image processing implemented. Use it to apply corrections to a set of pre-rendered images
Flip buttons implemented. Use the quick flip feature to have a fresh eye on the image composition and verify it works in all settings
Dither colors option implemented in the VFB settings / Render View rollout. Make sure it is enabled to avoid banding with low-contrast gradients
The VFB configuration including the History state and folder location is preserved between installations
The Exposure (display only) slider part of the Display Correction’s layer parameters no longer affects images saved from the VFB

Improved performance and reliability
Added support for the Lighting Analysis render element
Improved trace depth limit handling
Improved round edges rendering quality
The global trace depth logic used by the GPU engine now matches the one used in Production CPU rendering. Enabling the Render Parameters/Optimizations/Max Trace Depth checkbox ensures that the value specified overrides all corresponding max depth settings in the materials
The standalone GPU Device Selection tool is updated. The new user interface allows specific devices to be selected for Denoising (should be considered when NVIDIA AI denoising is used). This can help boost rendering performance on systems with more than one GPU
An issue preventing spotlights from being scatter by the Environment Fog is resolved

Integration (SketchUp)
Materials created in SketchUp are by default no longer treated as full-featured V-Ray materials. They are listed as Host Materials in the asset editor and can be promoted to V-Ray shaders at any point. This is done to help with scene organization and navigation as well as with the new Enscape compatibility
Optimized animation export. Exporting SketchUp animations for rendering is now more than 10 times faster. In order to achieve this we re-implemented the frame interpolation logic that SU uses when evaluating camera or sun animations, on the V-Ray side
The V-Ray scene importer is updated and can now import any V-Ray shader. ‘Unsupported’ shading nodes use an auto-generated UI allowing them to remain editable. Note that this feature is still in an experimental stage
Multiple geometry modifiers can now be applied to the same scene object. Fur and Scatter, for example, can now be combined
The VFB configuration is now kept between installations. The history folder location now persists between installations. The Reset action (V-Ray/Preferences/Reset Frame Buffer) can be performed manually when required
An issue causing the VFB window to sink below SketchUp in specific situations is resolved
Changing the selection of GPU devices used for rendering or denoising via the GPU Device Selection tool no longer causes various issues and crashes
An issue causing a crash when starting a render after a scene wipe is resolved
SketchUp no longer crashes after picking focus point and then opening the Asset Editor for the first time
SketchUp materials with textured transparency are now rendered correctly even before converted to V-Ray materials
A number of issues related to the VPR region are resolved
The GPU Device Selection, V-Ray Denoiser and VRMesh Viewer standalone tools can now be started from the V-Ray menu. They are located in the V-Ray/Tools/External submenu
The ‘Always face camera’ SketchUp components options now supported during animations
The V-Ray menu is reorganized, some of the submenu and item labels are updated
A warning regarding the fact that the bitmap aperture texture is black no longer appears when GPU rendering is initiated in projects where Depth of Field is used
The minimum SketchUp version requirement is bumped to SketchUp 2019. SketchUp 2017 and SketchUp 2018 are no longer supported

A new system for evaluating V-Ray textures is implemented. Most of V-Ray’s procedural textures and texture corrections are now supported in Vision. This is achieved through ‘baking’ which leaves raytraced or camera-based procedural maps still unsupported (Dirt, Falloff, Distance, Edges, etc.)
Measurement tool implemented. Use the toolbar button or the Z key to enable the tool, then select the two points to measure the distance between them
Depth of field support added. Change the DOF settings in V-Ray to see an effect in Vision. Note that the defocus amount is limited in Vision
The Orbit navigation mode hotkeys now match the ones in the host application
A new handling for materials opacity is implemented. Visual artifacts no longer appear when multiple transparent objects overlap in the frame
The V-Ray Infinite Plane is now supported in Vision. Note that in Vision the plane still has a finite size but will automatically resize based on the scene bounding box
The overall stability and reliability of Vision is improved
The parameters in the Settings panel are now organized in rollouts
Hours can now be displayed in the timeline end label
An issue preventing Vision from working on macOS is resolved
The default range of the Ambient Light Intensity slider is increased to 200
The active camera FOV (Field of View) is taken into consideration when calculating the mouse sensitivity. This improves the Vision navigation in specific situations
Vision settings are now organized in rollouts that can be collapsed or expanded depending on the situation
Tri-Planar textures using a plane color instead of a texture now work correctly in Vision
Added support for the Self-illumination parameters of the VRay Mtl
Parallax Displacement mapping implemented. Make sure that a displacement is set up in V-Ray to see the effect
The V-Ray Decal is now supported in Vision
Navigation shortcut keymaps implemented. The one matching the host application (SketchUp or Rhino) is automatically selected
Bitmap texture’s Automatic Transfer Function support added. The transfer function selection in Vision matches the one in V-Ray
Flipping face normals in the host application no longer leads to incorrect texture placement in Vision
An issues caused by materials with similar names (same name but a different number suffix) is resolved
The Output image File path can now be typed manually
Deleting a Mesh Light no longer requires a live link restart to take effect
Creating a Group or Component in SketchUp during a live session no longer misplaces the object in Vision
Vision no longer hangs when a Cosmos asset is merged during a live session
Grass strands (V-Ray Fur with ‘grass’ in its name) no longer get misplaced during a live session
There is no longer a dark or bright circle artifact under the camera when the high quality shadows are enabled
The Ctrl + O shortcut can once again be used for opening .vrscene files
A number of issues affecting the fly navigation mode are resolved
UI mouse and key interactions no longer affect the view
A fly speed exceeding 200 can now be set
The A and D fly navigation keys no longer unintentionally change UI slider values
CarPaint2 material support added
Cosmos asset no longer disappears if a merged version of the same asset exists
The trunk material of the American Beech 002 Cosmos asset is no longer rendered black
Support for Dome lights using a plain color instead of a texture is added
A number of issues with textures instanced in multiple materials are resolved

Other Improvements & Bug Fixes
A number of issues related to the duplication of materials and textures in the Asset Editor are resolved
the Refraction fog color Depth value can now be reset
The warning that indicates that the Cryptomatte render element does not work in all rendering modes is removed since this limitation no longer exists
A number of parameter labels and tooltips are updated to better indicate what the parameter does
Applying Light Mix IES light edits to the scene now correctly enables the intensity override checkbox and sets the target intensity value
The global Environment Texture no longer reappears after being deleted and the project reopened
The VFB history images no longer appear twice when the 'Use project path' option is enabled
A number of issues related to the .vrscene to .skp importer are resolved. The open File mode now works as expected
An issue causing Proxy Meshes to take a long time to load and render unless the global displacement switch is disabled, is resolved
Importing a .vropt settings file using the Ruby API no longer causes SketchUp to temporarily lose responsiveness nor does it create a duplicate Sun
Using identical material names, that differ only in letter capitalization, no longer causes a synchronization issue between V-Ray and SketchUp
A number of issues causing SketchUp to hangs on startup, on scene activation or when a first render is initiated are resolved
macOS: The Cap CPU Utilization toggle is no longer missing
macOS: An issue with the viewport render regions is resolved
macOS: An issue causing a bug splat after closing Vision and then SketchUp is resolved
macOS: Rendering a scene with an OSL plugins present on a M1 machine no longer leads to a crash


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